6 infections you can get at the gym

Going to the gym brings multiple benefits, since it helps us in different ways, whether it is to lose weight, tone muscles or have a healthy life. However, the risks that exist in gyms must also be taken into account, since without realizing it we could contract an infection in them.

Just because they clean the gym does not mean that you are not at risk of infection. But do not panic, this is not an excuse not to go to the gym, it is just to stay alert and that you have the possibility to take the necessary precautions.

Discover the 6 main germs that you can find in a gym and how to prevent them from affecting your health.

6 germs you can find in gyms

Gérmenes en gimnasios

1. Athlete’s foot

Athlete’s foot is a foot infection that is caused by fungi . These can be contracted when walking barefoot around swimming pools, as well as in showers and changing rooms. It is characterized by having cracked and flaky skin between the toes or on the sides, although in some cases the symptoms can be a bit more severe.

If you are someone who rides an exercise bike or runs on the treadmill, you are more likely to hit your fingers and toenails against your shoes. This can lift the nail and offer a chance for the fungus to get under it.

To combat this infection, there are antifungal and topical treatments . To prevent it from appearing, make sure that every time you wear your shoes in the gym, you keep your feet clean and dry.

2. Flu

It appears that cold and flu viruses can live on the skin for up to 3 hours and on the surface for 4 hours. This means that in any shared gym where equipment is used regularly, such as the handlebars of the exercise bike, the keyboards of the treadmills, the free weights … they can harbor the virus that causes the cold or the flu.

Therefore, before using gym equipment, always clean it, do not touch your mouth or nose while exercising, and lastly, always wash your hands when you have finished your routine.

Virus en gimnasios

3. Staphylococcus Aureus

More commonly known as ” staph “, it is a bacteria that lives on the skin and in the nose. They are transmitted by contact with the skin of a person who has this infection. These germs can be found on towels or on exercise machines.

4. HPV

The human papillomavirus can cause plantar warts. It is spread by skin-to-skin contact or by walking barefoot in baths and showers. So make sure you always have your sandals with you when you walk through these areas.

contraer infecciones en el gimnasio

5. Streptococcal bacteria

Strep bacteria are extremely contagious and can be spread through skin contact or exercise equipment. This bacteria can cause strep throat , as well as skin infections and blisters. To treat this infection you must visit your doctor.

6 E. colo bacteria and hepatitis A

It is a bacterium and a virus that are transmitted by the fecal-oral route. If someone does not wash their hands after using the bathroom or does not clean themselves properly, the bacteria can spread to the next person who touches the bathroom utensils. These two bacteria can cause cramps , diarrhea, and vomiting . So if you feel bad you should see your doctor as soon as possible.


  • BodyRock, 7 Gross Things That Can Happen To Your Body At The Gym. For Bodyrock [Revised December 2015]