5 signs your birth control pill isn't working

Birth control pills are the most widely used contraceptive method worldwide. Among its effects, apart from preventing unwanted pregnancy, are to regulate menstruation or eliminate acne.

Its use is very easy and effective and does not pose a risk to women if the doctor’s instructions are respected. However, for some women they can have negative side effects that affect their health and mood. These effects can be triggered by the pill not working properly.

Find out which symptoms you should pay more attention to if you are taking the contraceptive pill and what you should do about it.

5 side effects of birth control pills

efectos secundarios anticonceptivos

1. Depression or mood swings

All hormonal birth control methods have different levels of progesterone, which means that they affect the brain in different ways. Progestin is the synthetic version of progesterone that can cause emotional ups and downs and lead to depression or negative thoughts.

Feeling sad very often or having continuous mood swings can be due to the contraceptive you are taking. If that is your case, you should visit your doctor so he can prescribe the hormones that are best for your body.

2. Acne

In general, the birth control pill can help reduce acne. However, there are some women who start to have a serious problem with acne after using contraception. But normally after a couple of months your body adapts to the new hormones. If you have severe acne after a period of two months, if you should consult your doctor.

píldoras anticonceptivas

3. Low libido

You may feel like your libido has dropped since you started treatment. This occurs because you are suppressing ovulation and your body does not feel the need to reproduce, so it stops producing sex hormones. If this has started to happen to you and it is an issue that worries you, it is recommended that you go to your doctor to assess possible alternatives.

4. Headache

You may be suffering from recurring headaches after starting your contraceptive treatment. If this is the case, it may be that your pills have a very high level of estrogen for you. In that case, you should immediately go to your doctor for a review of your treatment.

método anticonceptivo

5. Periods are stronger

If you suddenly start having stronger periods after you start taking your pills, you can become weak and feel tired all the time. If this is your case, you should look for a better option of contraceptive methods such as the IUD or go to your doctor to prescribe the right pills for your body.


  • BodyRock, 5 Signs Your Birth Control Is Wrong For Your Body. For Bodyrock [Revised December 2015]