Is it good to shower with cold water?

An ice cold shower may not be an attractive option first thing in the morning, as most of us enjoy a warm, warm shower to get out of our sleep and get ready for the day. That said, studies seem to say that cold showers are good for you, as these baths provide numerous health benefits: radiant skin, shiny hair, recovering well from injuries, a better immune system, and even helps you stay alert. no need for caffeine in the morning .

Reasons why it is good to shower with cold water

Also called as the “James Bond Shower” or “Scottish Shower”, showering with cold water can provide amazing benefits for our body and skin that we list below:

It can help fight depression in the long term

There is a difference between feeling depressed and being depressed. But since one in four of us is likely to suffer from some type of mental health condition in our lives, it pays to keep an open mind when it comes to treatments.

es bueno ducharse con agua fría

The theory here works using the same system that causes us to freeze. If our body believes that we are in danger of freezing, it redirects the blood from the extremities to the vital areas: the head and the heart. By doing so, we increase the levels of norepinephrine and beta-endorphin in the blood, which helps to improve good mood .

Reduces late muscle pain

Late-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is every athlete’s nightmare. For those of you who are not fluent in lingo, this means that many people who practice sports may have severe pain two to three days after hitting the gym. Fortunately, in this situation it is good to shower with cold water, as it can help reduce the inflammation that causes pain in the muscles due to strength exercise.

Reduces inflammation

Have you ever seen a video of an athlete slowly making his way through an aluminum container filled with ice? There is a reason that people who exercise vigorously undergo this treatment.

Cold effectively reduces edema (swelling in the body), so it is advisable to apply cold compresses on a sprained ankle. The same is the case with all inflammations of the body: through vasoconstriction, the blood moves away from the inflamed areas . This process helps reduce swelling in sore muscles, hands, and feet.

Boosts immunity

With the increase in blood pressure there is an increase in the amount of white blood cells that protect us from diseases. By increasing the movement of white blood cells in our body, they are more available to attack these pathogens, which stimulates the immune response.

In simple terms, our immune system works better when there are more white blood cells . According to the researchers, people who take cold showers in the morning are 29% less likely to get sick than those who don’t.

Improved mood and concentration

Although it is good to shower with cold water, this does not mean that anxiety and depression will go away completely, it can only help to alleviate the symptoms. Cold showers activate the sympathetic nervous system and increase the availability of neurotransmitters, such as endorphins . This, in turn, causes an improvement in mood, just like a good training session would.

Also, cold showers can increase concentration when we experience mental confusion. This increased oxygen levels act as a natural dose of energy, which is why we feel so revitalized after a good soak in the spa.

Improved hair, skin and scalp health

Finishing your shower with a stream of cold water is an easy way to increase the shine of your hair. Hair contains a protein called keratin, which acts as a shield around the follicles to protect it from damage. Soft keratin cells are easily damaged by heat. When this happens, the hair becomes weak, dries and loses its shine. A cold shower can help prevent heat from damaging your hair. Due to an increase in blood circulation, the body supplies more oxygen and nutrients to the hair bulb , which makes the hair stronger and shinier.

Just as our veins get smaller when exposed to cold, our pores also close, making the skin appear smoother and more delicate. In addition, a shower with cold water helps eliminate toxins from our skin. Specialists confirm that it is good to shower with cold water because it activates the circulatory system to stimulate the skin to release waste and reduce inflammation . This helps reduce breakouts and skin redness.

beneficios de ducharse con agua fría

Lastly, there is no healthy hair without a healthy scalp. The cold water contracts the arrector pili muscles, small muscles of the scalp attached to the hair follicles. Through this constriction of the muscles, sebum is reduced and the elasticity of the scalp improves . Additionally, hot water can remove sebum from the scalp, while cold water allows these natural oils to exist undisturbed. Whether your scalp is dry or oily, cold showers can balance the amount of sebum for healthier, shinier hair.

Showering with cold water safely

Now that we have explained the reasons why it is good to shower with cold water, it is important to understand how to do it safely and effectively.

Since cold water lowers body temperature, it is not recommended to run cold water for a long time . Ideally, start with a thirty second download to reap the full benefits of this practice. Afterwards, you can gradually increase the duration of your cold shower and decrease the temperature little by little.

Since cold showers provide an energy boost, it ‘s best to do it in the morning or at noon . Just as you would avoid drinking coffee before going to bed, you should also refrain from showering with cold water, as it could cause insomnia.

Although this is a generally safe practice if you do not suffer from any illness, an ice cold shower can potentially harm people with heart conditions , such as Raynaud’s disease, which affects the circulatory system.