Is it better to use a cloth or paper tissue?

A custom among older people is to wear a cloth scarf. Although tissues have been popular for decades, there are those who prefer to use the cloth for colds and allergies. It does have some benefits, but is it really hygienic?

The cloth handkerchief is more environmentally friendly, since it takes three times more energy to produce pulp to create virgin fiber fabrics, compared to a cotton handkerchief.

Created by Kimberly-Clark in the early 1920s, cloth handkerchiefs were originally introduced to remove cold cream. However, the women wrote to the company complaining that their husbands were using the tissues to blow their noses. The rest is history.

Whether we have the common cold or spring allergies, everyone’s preference for a scarf comes down to personal preference.

Which is more hygienic?

If we are going through a cold or flu, then tissues are a better option. The reason for this is that we are basically expelling nasal secretions that contain the virus in the tissue. As long as we throw that tissue in the bin (without reusing it) and wash our hands, paper tissues are the most hygienic option.

By wearing a cloth handkerchief, we increase the possibility of spreading the virus (not to ourselves, since we already have it, but to those around us). Saliva doesn’t contain as much virus as a runny nose, so by blowing your nose multiple times with a tissue, which may already feel a little “wet,” and then not washing your hands immediately afterward, you’re increasing the spread. Especially if we later touch other elements such as doorknobs and computer keyboards with unwashed hands.

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For allergies: cloth handkerchief

If we want to use a cloth handkerchief for allergies, there is no problem. Nasal secretions are not riddled with viruses. However, it is still recommended to change the tissue regularly if the nose is constantly runny. If not, we can try some natural remedies and we may be able to say goodbye to the scarf forever.

However, the cloth handkerchief is usually recommended in these cases because they damage the skin of the nose less. Being softer, the nose will suffer less and we will avoid wounds or scaly skin. Even so, it is advisable that we have a cover in which to store it to prevent the pocket from becoming contaminated or stained with mucus.

In addition, it is considered sustainable with the environment. In times of allergies, it is common to consume several packages of tissues. Not only can it be an added cost to your pocket, but it also favors the felling of trees and sustainable energy consumption.