Is banana peel bad for dogs?

Banana is one of the best fruits we can eat, no matter how old we are. It is easy to chew, easy to digest, it is gentle on the digestive system and on top of that it combines perfectly with many recipes, vegan and non-vegan, in fact, it is used as a substitute for eggs and flour in many homemade desserts. The banana is also a suitable fruit for dogs, but doubts arise with the peel.

Dogs and humans can share a multitude of fruits and vegetables, and among them are bananas. This fruit must be peeled and cut into small pieces, and what is more important, the banana must be ripe, since green or unripe bananas are very indigestible for humans and dangerous for dogs.

The ripe banana provides the same nutrients to dogs as it does to us humans. Remember that this fruit provides plant-based proteins, carbohydrates, soluble fiber, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B9 and C, among other important nutrients.

Banana skin is not eaten

Piel de plátano

It is true that on Instagram we can see a multitude of recipes where even the skin of the banana is used, but when it comes to dogs, it is best that we only give them the banana itself and in slices. Of course, more than 6 slices is not recommended for a large dog.

Therefore, the doubt is cleared, and that is that the banana peel has a long shelf life, after peeling the banana, but of course it should not serve as food for our dogs . This is because the skin of this fruit is very high in potassium and fiber, which can lead our dog to suffer serious intestinal problems, as well as other risks.

The skin of this fruit is hard and difficult to chew and swallow , so it is not a good idea to offer it, since there could even be a risk of suffocation due to choking, both in people and in dogs. In addition, to make matters worse, the vast majority of fruits with disposable skin (or not), have treatments on the outside.

In other words, the vast majority of fruits that we eat have waxes, varnishes and other treatments (toxic and non-toxic for human and animal consumption), for the simple fact of embellishing the fruit and promoting its sale. That is why it is always emphasized that the fruit must be washed thoroughly before being eaten, what is more, if we can peel the skin, the better.

We can do the test. We take a red apple, or another variety and with a disposable blade (clean) or a cheese cutter, we pass it over the surface of the fruit and we will see how a thin white layer comes off. Well, that is the wax that protects the fruit from external agents such as insects and helps the fruit look healthier and brighter. Surely from now on we will thoroughly wash the fruit before eating it.