How to start and end a running race with strength

Preparing for endurance tests, due to its qualities, requires a great deal of time and effort. Typically, runners use long-run training (LSD) in an effort to improve their aerobic system before a race, as it works best for long-distance runs.

Still, this technique will only help you up to a point. There will come a time when the level of competition will require much more than thousands of kilometers on the legs. Taking on the next level of competitiveness means adding more to your training to help you not only cover the distance, but also improve your times in the running competitions you face.

Cómo acabar con fuerza una carrera de running

How to train for a long distance race?

Races are won by the ability to push the limits of your competitors and maintain that level for as long as possible. Accomplishing this will make you the fastest person among your peers. However, if your physical condition is not good, it will be very difficult to achieve your goals. The secret is teaching your body how to start strong and finish strong in a running race .

Power and speed training should be essential in any resistance training regimen, in order to develop a quality where you are able to put yourself ahead of other runners even if you are on an uphill mountain.

Training for speed and power at the same time as training for endurance means tackling it properly to be successful. The priority should be to train endurance and conditioning , so power and speed training should be supplemental.

We are going to show you a series of exercises that will not be intended to make you a competitive athlete, but will help you create the ability to accelerate faster , climb more efficiently, create distance when passing, and speed through the final stretch .

Cómo acabar con fuerzas una carrera de running

Training to start a running race strong

HIIT training is an essential tool to add to your workload each week. HIIT comes in a myriad of forms and when done correctly results in the experience of running faster during the race. With slight recovery during intervals, the body is mechanically and neurologically training to produce higher speeds over longer distances.

The key to getting the most out of your training sessions is to start strong , meaning the first interval should be just as difficult as the last. When your initial acceleration at the beginning of the race is higher, you can place yourself in a privileged position as soon as you start the race, something that will be beneficial for you since it is easier to maintain the position than to chase other runners, both biomechanically and mentally.

Ejemplos de entrenamientos HIIT en running

1.1 Examples of HIIT training to start a running race strong

  • 30/40 – Perform consecutive 200-meter intervals. The first 200 meters must be completed in 30 seconds, immediately moving to a 40-second “recovery” stage for the next 200 meters. Repeat until you reach the distance you have set.
  • Stairs: As a first option, start with 100 meters and then increase the distance by 100 meters for each interval, maintaining a “1: 1” relationship between work and rest. As a second option, start with 800m, and at 100 meters the distance decreases for each interval, maintaining a 1: 1 ratio (work-rest). There are a lot of ways to vary this routine, but the idea is to have a higher intensity for shorter distances and a lower intensity for longer distances while climbing or descending the ladder.
  • 400 m repetitions: Basic for a runner’s HIIT training. Run 400m distance with 5% lower intensity than a regular run; then jog soft 400m and repeat until you achieve the distance you want. You can modify this by taking the recovery interval to 200 meters.

Cómo mejorar en una carrera running

Training to end a running race with strength

Another important aspect in racing is the ability to advance positions just as the finish line is approaching. A fatal habit is to cool down late in the race, which can create a subconscious habit of finishing the race slowly .

The most effective way to train to finish a running race well is to introduce quick strides of 100-150 at the end of each session. Three or four sets should be sufficient to serve the purpose of awakening the fast-twitch muscles and accustoming them to intensity even when the muscular system is exhausted.

Entrenamientos para acabar con fuerza una carrera de running


Competing in endurance racing requires more than just a good cardiovascular system. It is essential to add HIIT training twice a week and practice long strides after each workout. Being able to train hard not only translates into the ability to improve your timing, it also translates into a greater ability to compete and win individual battles against your opponents.


  • Sam Wiston, “Star Strong, Finish Fast.” For Breakingmuscle [Reviewed August 2016]