How to raise more creative children

It is normal that all parents want the best for their children. Every day they strive to provide them with the necessary tools they so badly need to face great obstacles and uncertainties in the future.

It should be taken into account that raising children is not an easy task to do, it requires time, love, commitment, responsibility among many other things, but what if we want more creative children? How can you encourage your creativity? What are the tools that must be given to them? We show you 3 strategies that will help you stimulate your children’s creativity .

How to stimulate children’s creativity?

1. Praise the child, not his act

If your child creates a work of art, instead of saying “that’s a very creative drawing”, you should say “you are a very creative person”. This helps develop a sense of self, meaning your child will feel like a creative person with unique ideas.

It is very important and fundamental that children know who they are and what their abilities are, in this way as they grow up they will not lose their creativity.

There are studies where it has been found that children, after being praised for their actions, are much more generous and become aware of who they are and what they want. These compliments end up being internalized as part of the identity.

cómo criar niños más creativos

2. Don’t set too many rules

A recent investigation compared that normal families, with common abilities, have on average about six rules for their children, such as when they should go to sleep or when they should finish an activity. On the other hand, the parents who had children with more creativity, on average only used to have a single rule.

This does not mean that you should not establish rules, since there should always be some limits to create values such as respect and discipline in your children, but being too restrictive could slow down the creative capacity of your children .

Cómo estimular la creatividad de tus hijos

3. Reason with your children

When a study was conducted on the people who rescued the victims of the Holocaust, they found a very important difference: those who were parents and helped save lives used reasoning as a disciplinary tactic more often than others.

Another study found that the parents of more creative architects disciplined their children with behavioral norms and explained the reason for these norms, encouraging their children to have their own beliefs and values, in addition to talking about the mistakes they made and how they could be done. to get better.

Helping children think about the consequences of their actions makes them more likely to channel their originality in creative and moral directions.

Cómo conseguir que tus hijos sean más creativos


  • Rachel Gillett, A Wharton professor shares 3 science-backed strategies for raising highly creative kids. For Businessinsider [Revised February 2016]