How to have a balanced diet?

Eating properly and exercising regularly is not enough to have a healthy lifestyle. There is no one of these two elements that is more important, since both are indispensable, so a balance is necessary. However, although preparing a good exercise routine may not be very difficult, having a balanced diet can be difficult.

Dieta equilibrada

Therefore, achieving the balance necessary for a healthy lifestyle can be a great challenge for some people. The good news is that when the keys to having a balanced diet are known, it is possible to prepare one that is perfectly adapted to our nutritional needs .

Foods that should be combined in a balanced diet

One of the keys to having a balanced diet is that no food is essential and none contains all the nutrients. Therefore, a combination of different foods is always necessary .

In general, eating everything is recommended, but always taking into account that the portions are adequate. On the other hand, although food supplements are not essential, if used properly they can be an excellent complement to any diet.

If the different food groups are classified, one can start by mentioning foods that contain carbohydrates and a little protein, since these provide the necessary energy to perform physical activities and maintain an adequate body temperature . These include rice, pasta, cereals, and bread.

On the other hand, fruits, vegetables and vegetables should also be part of any balanced diet, since they contain high concentrations of fiber, minerals and vitamins, elements necessary for the proper functioning of the body’s metabolic processes.

Likewise, dairy products and milk must also be combined to have a balanced diet, since they contain animal proteins and calcium, elements necessary for the maintenance of tissues .

However, this class of foods only provide protein in low amounts, so it is also necessary to include meat, eggs and fish in a balanced diet, since these foods contain large amounts of animal protein . If you want to increase muscle mass, a high protein intake is essential.

It is worth mentioning that fats, although some can be harmful, are not all the same. In fact, there are certain fats that are necessary for the transport of vitamins in the body and that also fulfill an important energy function . Therefore, including foods such as potatoes, legumes and nuts is necessary to take advantage of the benefits of these healthy fats.

Benefits of having a healthy diet

Having a balanced diet provides the following benefits :

  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Prevents the development of osteoporosis.
  • Helps reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • Protects against certain types of cancer.
  • Improves physical appearance.
  • Increases cognitive performance.

Tips for planning a balanced diet

If we want to have a balanced diet, it is necessary to combine the different types of food that were mentioned above. In addition, the intake of foods with little nutritional contribution such as processed foods, soft drinks, sweets, junk food , among others, should be reduced as much as possible.

Vegetables, cereals, bread, potatoes and vegetables should be part of the daily food intake. Likewise, it is advisable to consume at least one fresh fruit a day . Citrus fruits like oranges, tangerines, and lemons are a good option.

For its part, legumes should be consumed a minimum of twice a week . In addition, if possible, it is recommended that olive oil constitutes the main fat in the diet, not only when preparing food, but also when dressing it.