How to claim the delay of your flight to an airline

Flight times, airport transit and everything that involves traveling are covered by a series of regulations that must be complied with by airlines in order not to incur fines or suspensions. Claiming your flight delay is more common than you thought. Delays are the main cause of many people losing connections with other flights, or simply having a hard time at the airport.

For this reason, airlines are sometimes forced to compensate their passengers with sums of money that can amount up to 600 euros , and with which they temporarily solve the possible expenses they have within the airport until they solve in delay.

Questions about claiming your flight delay

Reclamar el retraso de tu vuelo

Can everyone claim compensation?

No, this will depend on the country of origin, the distance of the flight and the country where the plane has landed. Most of the laws that work well in favor of passengers are found in the United States and Europe . That is, they are the two places where it is almost certain to obtain compensation for delay, flight suspension and even loss of luggage.

How much should an airline pay for delay?

Each fine is established according to the distance of the delayed flight, for the European community and those countries that are under EC Regulation 216, the payment is distributed as follows.

  • Flights of up to 1500 kilometers: 250 euros.
  • Laps of up to 3,500 kilometers: 400 euros.
  • Laps of more than 3,500 kilometers: 600 euros.

In addition to this, if a flight is delayed for a whole day and the next departure is planned the next day, the airline will have to reserve hotel rooms for passengers , guaranteeing mobilization or transportation to and from the airport.

When do you have the right to claim your flight delay?

As a general rule, the flight must have been delayed for at least 3 hours from the time of departure indicated at the time of boarding and the airport screens. Once this time has been reached, you can proceed to demand the compensation established in the regulations. Before arriving three hours late, certain benefits such as a phone call or the ability to send an email may be required.

Derecho para reclamar

Anyone who has a ticket for the flight in question will have the right to claim compensation , even if they have already set a new departure time for the delayed flight.

Is the money delivered to the airport?

It is estimated that at least 5 million people have ever been entitled to compensation due to an airline technical delay, however, the lack of information means that only 2% of these people claim their right. The airlines will do everything possible, from the counter to the new plane, to avoid this payment having to be paid. However, having breached the regulations, it is the passenger’s right to demand their money .

Very few are the airlines that assume this cost directly at the airport , instead they prefer that the legal and administrative departments of the airlines take charge of understanding with the passenger.

There are companies and law firms that are dedicated to recovering this money even though the days have passed and the flight has finally been made. It does not matter if the airline complies with the flight, with the fact that the 3 hours have elapsed is enough to be able to demand compensation .

What do the claim benefits include?

The only direct obligation of the airline is to give each passenger with a delayed plane ticket their corresponding money . However, some are anticipated and offer coupons redeemable in the same company with discounts for upcoming flights, an option that brings them less operating expenses. They are also obliged to cover the expenses in case of spending the night in the city from which the flight departed.

They must guarantee the proper communication of the passenger with their family members in the fastest way , and also keep them informed at all times of the status of the flight and their situation in the country.

They must also meet the basic needs such as food and hydration of everyone who owns a ticket. They have to offer alternative transportation in case the flight is more than 5 hours late.

The passenger can decide to cancel the ticket and request a refund of the amount . It is a right that you can make use of and must be informed about it.

Compensación económica al retrasar el vuelo

Where do I go if I want compensation?

It is best to seek legal advice from experts in the area who can indicate the steps to follow and recover the money quickly, without incurring excessive legal expenses. It is important to note that the imposition of these sanctions go hand in hand with the high standards of quality and efficiency that any airline must have.