How many eggs are needed in an omelette?

Making an omelette is relatively simple, but it also has its trick to make it a recipe of ten. The selection of ingredients must be of the highest quality, with the eggs being a determining factor. But how many eggs are needed for an omelette? It will depend on how many people are the guests.

For an exquisite taste, it is recommended to use eggs from free-range chickens. That is, the ecological ones and those that have a 0 or 1 at the beginning of their numbering.

To make it the perfect omelette you have to be clear about the proportions. With regard to the extras, you have to add only what a person would eat, that is, a handful of onion or chorizo, mushrooms, etc. If we are going to add more than one extra, it is divided, but it is not recommended to overload the tortillas too much.

Egg sizes

Before making any omelette recipe, you have to take into account the size of the egg. The egg/potato ratios could be affected if the eggs are too large (XL) or too small (S). For the reference proportions, medium or large eggs are used, that is, size M or L. Although specifically, the weight of all of them is:

  • Size S (small): less than 53 grams.
  • Size M (medium): from 53 to 63 grams.
  • Size L (large): from 63 to 73 grams.
  • Size XL (super large): from 73 or more.

In this way, if we only have a small or super large size, we would have to modify the quantity slightly. Three small eggs will not be the same as three large ones. Many recipes fail because this information is not taken into account.

As for the color, it doesn’t matter. It is something that people give importance to, but it is exactly the same to use white, dark or dotted eggs on the shell. Both the taste and the properties will be the same.

And, although chicken eggs are always talked about, although other types could also be used, such as goose, goose, quail eggs, etc. However, we will have to adjust the proportions again based on the size.

tortilla francesa con huevos

Quantity per person

There are mainly two types of tortilla: the French and the Spanish. Although the latter is not easy to achieve without spilling a little egg when turning, it is also quite healthy to eat.


A French omelette is a neat package of finesse and delicacy. Its exterior is smooth as silk, the interior moist and creamy, and it contains a layer of soft scrambled egg.

In this case, experts recommend using two or three medium eggs, or two eggs and one egg white for the perfect omelette for one person. It is not convenient to make a giant French omelette if there are several guests, because the result will not be ideal. Connoisseurs recommend that it be done individually.

In addition, it is not recommended to add more liquid. This can cause the eggs to become hard and slimy. We will omit the water, the milk, the cream, any other occurrence, and we will opt only for the egg.


In the case of a potato omelette, these must be of good quality and fried in extra virgin olive oil. In addition, you have to fry them little by little so that they are not so cooked and it is the golden touch of the tortilla. In short, the order is to fry the potatoes, beat the eggs and add everything to a very large bowl. Let it rest for a few minutes and slowly pour it into a frying pan over medium-low heat. We will let it be done on one side, we will turn around and it will be ready.

As for the exact point of the tortilla, everyone will have their preferences. What is not recommended is that the egg is very liquid, as this could lead to intoxication. Nor well done because if we do not calculate well it can be made a paste of ingredients.

When it comes to potatoes, you have to take into account their size. The potatoes are supposed to be medium in size, if so we have to use one potato for every three eggs . In this way, the tortilla will be juicy and at its exact point, without becoming very loaded.

For its part, the eggs also have a specific proportion. You have to put three eggs for each person who is going to eat, as long as they are medium eggs. If they are small eggs, we use 4 per person and if they are large type XL with 2 eggs per person it would be enough. And if we add a lot or several additions, we must add an extra XL egg for every two additional ingredients.

tortilla de patatas con huevos

Can you use only clear?

There are about 3 grams of protein in a single egg white, half of that of a whole egg, so it’s important to stick to 8 egg whites or less a day. Using the egg whites in tortillas can be a good choice, although the result will not be as expected if it is potato. Keep in mind that the volume will be much smaller, although it may be less caloric. In this case, we will use 2 egg whites per person.

If we want to make a French omelette, we can use up to 4 egg whites per person. By not having the potato, it will be much lighter and lower in carbohydrates. Its whitish color will also attract attention, very different from the usual tortilla. Also, an egg white omelet is not as tasty as one made with whole eggs. Therefore, it is a good idea to add savory fillings.

On the other hand, we must assess what type of egg whites we are going to use. While the cans of egg whites are well established in the common diet, there are those who prefer to split the egg and separate the yolk from the white. This process will be more laborious and more expensive.

And if we are hesitating to mix eggs and whites for an omelet, it can also be used. You just have to take into account the size of the egg that we are going to use and the amount of egg whites. More or less, a whole egg is equivalent to 50 grams, while an egg white is 30 grams. Therefore, two whites should be used for each egg to be substituted .