Guide to choosing the best alternative to cow's milk

Drinking cow’s milk seems like a thing of the past, especially since most people drink almond milk or other similar types of beverages, either because they are lactose intolerant or for many other reasons.

If conventional milk does not work for you, then you are in luck, because we bring you the best alternatives to cow’s milk . Whether you can’t drink milk or just want to drink based on other natural options, you can choose from a wide variety of options.

Leche a base de productos vegetales y semillas

What to look for in alternatives to cow’s milk?

Before choosing the best option, there are several things you have to take into account:

That does not have sugar

Sugar is one of the main ingredients added to milk, which doesn’t really do it very well, especially since milk tastes great on its own. So why add sugar to milk ?

Most alternatives to cow’s milk come without sugar, but if it appears on the label that it has added sugar, or some of its derivatives, we advise you not to drink it.

Cómo elegir la mejor alternativa a la leche de vaca

That does not have too many additives

It is really difficult to find an alternative milk that does not contain additives . Lately there has been a lot of debate about carrageenan , a thickener and stabilizer in tons of foods and beverages.

It has been a controversial topic, as some reports indicate that this additive has pro-inflammatory and potentially toxic effects on the gut. For this reason, some companies have opted for the use of other ingredients such as guar gum, gellan gum and tapioca starch, which serve to give alternative milks a better texture. (Bhattacharyya et al., 2015).

Qué aditivos evitar en la leche

That is fortified

Most alternative milks are fortified with calcium, vitamin B, and vitamin B12, which is great, but not for all brands.

Be sure to read the nutritional information on the product label before ingesting it. Make sure to get these nutrients from other foods as well.

Fortificación de la leche

That is not too expensive

Most alternative milks, especially those of plant origin, tend to have a higher price because they do not contain a lot of additives which helps to extend their expiration date.

You can be encouraged to make your own milk at home, although some fruits such as almonds can be really expensive.

2. Alternatives to cow’s milk

2.1 Soy milk

Of all the alternatives, soy milk is the most similar to cow’s milk when comparing the nutrients of the two.

Some people are wary of soy milk because of its phytoestrogen and GMO content, but there are not enough conclusive studies to suggest that soy milk should be stopped. (Jargin, 2014; Messina, 2016).

¿Es mala la leche de soja?

2.2 Hemp milk

Hemp milk is also a good alternative, although not as well known as the other options to cow’s milk.

This option is made from cannabis seeds, and the advantage it has is that it is a good source of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats and some proteins. The downside is that it is usually made with sugar, since the flavor is not so palatable naturally.

Leche a base de cáñamo

2.3 Rice milk

Like hemp milk, rice milk is not as popular. This type of milk is recommended for people who are lactose intolerant, allergic to soy, nut or gluten.

Its sugar content is higher than in cow’s milk, it is low in protein and with a sweet and creamy flavor. (Vanga and Raghavan, 2018).

Leche a base de arroz

2.4 Coconut milk

Coconut milk is the highest in fat compared to the other alternatives, and it also contains no protein. However, the fact that it does not contain protein does not mean that you cannot add it on your own.

It is recommended for people who suffer from allergies and cannot consume other milk options.

2.5 Pea milk

One of the newer options is pea protein milk . Ripple is the most popular brand for this product. It tastes great and is sugar free.

Leche a base de guisantes

2.6 Oat milk

Oat milk is the most popular option today. It has a rich flavor and higher protein content than most plant-based options.

La leche de avena tiene mucha proteína

2.7 Nut milk

This type of milk is very pleasant and recognized for its high content of vitamins and minerals, but it shares some similar components with other options. For example, it is low in calories and carbohydrates, low in protein, and moderate in fat. However, it is a great source of calcium. (Sethi, Tyagi and Anurag, 2016).

Propiedades de la leche de nuez


Alternatives to cow’s milk have always been a good option, especially if you suffer from lactose intolerance or are looking for healthier options. With this this list of some of the best options you can choose the one that is right for you.


  • Bhattacharyya, S., Feferman, L., Unterman, T. and Tobacman, K (2015). Exposure to Common Food Additive Carrageenan Alone Leads to Fasting Hyperglycemia and in Combination with High Fat Diet Exacerbates Glucose Intolerance and Hyperlipidemia without Effect on Weight. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. doi: 10.1155 / 2015/513429
  • Jargin, S. Soy and phytoestrogens: possible side effects. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. doi:
    10.3205 / 000203
  • Messina, M. Soy and Health Update: Evaluation of the Clinical and Epidemiologic Literature. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. doi: 10.3390 / nu8120754
  • Sethi, S. Tyagi, K. and Anurag, R. (2016). Plant-based milk alternatives an emerging segment of functional beverages: a review. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. doi:
    10.1007 / s13197-016-2328-3
  • Vanga, S. and Raghavan, V. (2018). How well do plant based alternatives fare nutritionally compared to cow’s milk? National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. doi: 10.1007 / s13197-017-2915-y