Food Storage Tricks to Make Them Last Longer

We have all opened our drawers to find slimy spinach and soft asparagus lids. And then you dumped sprouted potatoes, dried garlic, and suspicious eggs. About 40 percent of the food produced never reaches our mouths. Instead, they find their way to the landfill.

That is bad for our wallets and for the environment, and not just because we are wasting resources like water and land, but because food waste is actually a significant contributor of greenhouse gases.

Food Storage Tricks

There are many ways to help reduce food waste: meal planning and understanding of FIFOs and expiration dates, but how we store our food also plays a role. Here are some tips to help make your kitchen staples last a little longer.

Dairy products

To keep your cheddar cheese from spiraling down the garbage dump, keep all dairy products in the coldest part of your fridge, which is usually on the lowest shelves. Avoid storing them on refrigerator doors where warmer air is easier to access.

You will want to wrap the hard cheeses in parchment paper and then in plastic to extend their freshness. Soft cheeses generally don’t last as long, like cottage and ricotta, they should be eaten about a week after opening.


Refrigerate unwashed strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries in their original containers. Just before eating, gently rinse with cold water.

Red berries vary in flavor (depending on how long they last in the fridge): blueberries last about 10 to 14 days; blackberries from 3 to 6 days; raspberries about 2 days; strawberries for up to 3 days.


Close the refrigerator door and walk away slowly. You are ruining your tomatoes. Cold temperatures destroy its flavor and prevent tomatoes from ripening to their peak of delight.

It is recommended to place them with the stem up in a pantry at room temperature. If they are not ripe enough, it will only take a day or two (no more than five) to turn a rich, ripe red.

Ginger root

To minimize waste, buy only what you need.

Store the ginger dry, unpeeled, and tightly wrapped in plastic wrap or a paper towel for two to three weeks in the refrigerator. Wash and peel it just before use.


Firm, unripe avocados will ripen in the pantry at room temperature (may take four to five days). But you can put them in the fridge to delay the maturation process.

If you have cut an unripe avocado, sprinkle the fruit with lime or lemon juice or lightly coat with vinegar and refrigerate in an airtight container.

Yes, you can freeze your ripe avocado and save it for a later date. But first you have to pound. First, wash the outside of the avocado well, then spread it lengthwise. Then add the meat to a blender with a tablespoon of lemon or lime juice for each avocado. Place it in an airtight container, where it can last up to five months.

Leafy green leafy vegetables

A quick trick when buying pre-cut green leafy vegetables in a plastic bag or container is to add a couple of pieces of kitchen paper to the container before chilling it. This will help absorb any excess moisture.

Wash and dry the leaves well before use; they usually last from a few days to a week when refrigerated.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are naturally oily, which is great for its taste and heart health benefits, but bad for its longevity. The oil finally becomes rancid, and the fruits and seeds in poor condition acquire a bitter, strong and generally unpleasant flavor. Fortunately, low temperatures can delay its disappearance.

Store nuts and seeds in an airtight container in the refrigerator.


Something similar to dairy occurs, you want to keep raw eggs in the coldest part of the refrigerator, not on the doorstep where temperature fluctuations can decrease their quality.

Keep them in their original packaging; Refrain from storing them in the egg tray that can come with your fridge. Raw eggs can last three to five weeks in the refrigerator.


Grain and nut-based flours are more susceptible to oxidation than their more intact counterparts because there is more exposed surface.

All-purpose flour, almond flour, flax flour, and the like should be kept in an airtight container and ideally stored in the freezer. The refrigerator will also work, but the colder the better and the flour will last. And less bugs will come out!

Whole grains

Whole grains, like nuts and whole seeds, last longer than flours. It’s still best to keep them in an airtight container and store them at room temperature in your pantry (up to six months) or freeze them if you have room and they’ll last longer (up to a year).


Follow the 3 rules when it comes to storing asparagus: “clean, cold, and covered.”

For best results, trim a couple of inches off the stem, wash it well, dry, and store the stems in a jar filled with cold water. Enjoy it within two to three days of storage.


Potatoes like dark, cozy places, so store them in a plastic or perforated paper bag in a dark corner of the kitchen. Avoid extreme temperatures. Heat (think under the kitchen sink or in front of a window) encourages sprouting, while the cold refrigerator quickly turns starches into sugar, resulting in discolored, sweet-tasting porridge. (That is not what you want).

Storage space should also be well ventilated and can be kept for three weeks or more.


Keep garlic in a cool, dark area with good ventilation. A mesh bag or basket will do the trick. Experts advise against refrigeration, which can speed mold. You can freeze garlic, either as whole cloves or pureed with a little water in ice trays.


Experts recommend storing whole onion bulbs in a cool, dry, dark place with good air circulation. In other words, don’t store onions in plastic bags, in front of a window, or in the fridge.

Do not store onions with potatoes or other products that release moisture. Once peeled, the onions should be refrigerated.

Fresh herbs

Keep basil, parsley, coriander, and spring dill fresh. Like a bouquet of flowers, trim the stems and place the fresh herbs in a glass of water. Keep the water low enough so that the leaves don’t touch. You can store them on the counter or refrigerate them for a longer shelf life.

Olive oil

Buy olive oil in dark glass bottles and store it in a cool, dark place like a pantry.

Don’t put olive oil in the fridge; You will run the risk of condensation forming inside the bottle that can change the taste. And don’t keep it on the counter next to your fires.

Olive oil is best used within 12 to 18 months after the harvest date and once opened, it is best used within six months.