Five home remedies to end calluses on your hands

If there is a big enemy of weightlifting or barbell weightlifting in a gym, or activities like calisthenics, calluses on the hands . The hardness and bubbles are something that will accompany us in all safety, and that can hinder sports activity making the grip more than complicated.

Although it is true that it is not a very worrying ailment, we must always think that thanks to the grip we make with our hands we can lift weight and use certain machines. Having our hands in a poor state can lead to dumbbell falls or heavy lashes that cause further damage. Therefore, today we recommend five home remedies to end those uncomfortable hardnesses, and that your hands regain a healthy appearance.

Manos en barra de gimnasia

Think of gloves

We must recognize that this first one is not entirely a homemade tip but it is also basic. Although there are people who do not convince you as they lose adherence with the weight they are going to lift, it is true that good gloves do a great job of preventing calluses.

There are an infinity of gloves on the market, and their cost does not have to be high, so not having one is absurd. Always remembering that they are your size, they do not bother you, and above all they do not hinder circulation , the gloves will not be magical, but they will serve as a parapet between the grip of the machine and you, reducing the hardness of the hands with total security.

Get a pumice stone

Now yes, we are going with proper remedies. The first is nothing more than adapting the mechanism that is usually used to exfoliate the feet into our hands. With the use of a pumice stone (a stone of volcanic origin that will serve as sandpaper on the hardness) and hot water , we will finish by filing the hardness and accompanying it with heat and moisturizing cream. We explain the steps for a perfect exfoliation:

  • First, take a wide container where both hands fit, and fill it with lukewarm water with a little salt and vinegar . If you want to accompany it with some soap or similar to get a good smell, go ahead.
  • Leave your hands for about ten minutes to soak, and when you remove it, rub the pumice stone with gentle movements. Do not force until you can do damage and generate blood. The water has left the softest hardnesses, only with smooth movements can you end them.
  • Return to the container and have your hands soak another five minutes.
  • Finally remember to dry your hands and apply some cream to finish hydrating. Your hands will be like new.

Baking soda

El bicarbonato no ayuda a las agujetas

Another of the home remedies for corns on the hands is available to anyone and utensils at home. And we only need three tablespoons of baking soda , a tablespoon of water and mix everything. We will obtain a paste that we will apply to the hardness as if it were an ointment.

Letting it act for about fifteen minutes, we will notice its exfoliating effect on the hardness with complete certainty. Then rinse with cold water and observe its effects. Simple and effective.

Aspirin and lemon paste

We return to pasta, although it will take advantage of the anti-inflammatory effect of aspirin and the acidity of the lemon . The creation process is very similar to the previous one, and we will only need five aspirins, half a tablespoon of lemon juice and a small tablespoon of water. Mixing everything, we will have a paste that in this case is applied differently.

For its application, we will take a towel that we have previously heated , either ironing it or having applied hot water. We apply the paste on the hands and we will leave the towel for ten minutes wrapping both hands. When finished, rinse them with warm water. You will notice the effects.


Finally, we conclude with a classic herb as a home remedy . Chamomile not only serves to remove styes in the eyes, but will have good use in the face of corns. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory , and therefore its use.

The application could not be easier: prepare a chamomile, let it cool until it is warm, and put your hands inside in ten minutes. You will notice the softening effect of chamomile as soon as you put your hands out.