Essential minerals that cannot be missing in your diet

The body needs a variety of essential vitamins and minerals to achieve optimal performance. In general, most of us get all the nutrients we need simply from a balanced and varied diet .

As long as we eat all the food groups, there is no reason to assume that we are lacking in essential vitamins or minerals, and we probably don’t need to take supplements. People who are often deficient in an essential nutrient include pregnant or lactating women, children ages 6 months to 5 years, and people age 65 and older .

There are two types of vitamins: fat-soluble and water-soluble. Fat- soluble vitamins are found in fatty foods, such as those containing animal fats, dairy products, oily fish and oils. The body needs a reserve of fat-soluble vitamins, so it accumulates them. For this reason, it is not necessary to consume them every day .

Water-soluble vitamins are found in fruits, vegetables, and grains . They are not stored in the body, so we need a daily intake. Keep in mind that foods that are boiled lose most of their nutrients, so it’s best to grill, steam, or eat them raw. If we take too much of the water-soluble vitamin, it passes through the body’s natural excretions, while too much of the fat-soluble vitamin stored in the body can cause health problems like fatty liver disease or diabetes.

Minerals are vital nutrients that all living things need to live . They are like little warriors that help regenerate and repair cells, transmit energy, strengthen muscles and bones, heal wounds, boost immunity and much more.

Thousands of mechanisms in our body, such as performing day-to-day activities smoothly, need the necessary amount of different minerals. But, are we aware of what the essential minerals are and how they play a crucial role in our body? And how can minerals be taken through food instead of consuming nutritional supplements? These are the essential minerals that our body needs to function properly.


Calcium is one of the most important minerals for bones and teeth . It makes the skeleton strong, it gives a solid and static structure. Aside from that, it regulates blood pressure, activates enzymes throughout the body, and helps in muscle movements.


Any calcium deficiency can lead to bone problems, muscle fatigue, growth retardation, and tooth abnormalities .

food sources

To get enough calcium, dairy products such as yogurt, milk, tofu, cheese, etc. should be incorporated. in daily meals . Also, certain green leafy vegetables like broccoli and kale contain this nutrient. Non-vegetarians can eat fish like sardines and salmon to get calcium.


Like calcium, phosphorus plays an important role in the formation of bones and teeth . The human body consumes 80% of phosphorus for skeletal growth or bone rebuilding . It is also essential for the body to create proteins for the development, maintenance and repair of cellular tissue.

cuáles son los minerales esenciales


A lower intake or deficiency of phosphorus can cause weakness, bone demineralization, tooth loss, calcium deficiency and the consequences of having low calcium levels. Excessive intake can cause kidney problems.

food sources

Phosphorus can be obtained from red meat, fish, eggs, and poultry , while vegetarians can get it from whole grains, oatmeal, bread, rice, milk, and cheese .


Magnesium is an important mineral for hard and soft tissues . It is not only necessary for bone structure, but also for enzyme activation, nerve and muscle activity, protein synthesis, the necessary release of energy, regulation of body temperature, and fat metabolism. It is interrelated with calcium, phosphorus and sodium, which are essential minerals for the functioning of the brain and bones. So, it can be said that magnesium is essential for all human activities.


But what if the body doesn’t get enough of the magnesium it needs on a day-to-day basis? In such a case, symptoms of migraine or headache, restless legs, anxiety, muscle cramps (especially in the legs), irritability, body muscle pain, etc. will appear.

food sources

To overcome magnesium deficiency, it is important to consume foods such as nuts, milk, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, and also some animal products .

Sodium, potassium and chloride

These minerals control the level of electrolytes and the body’s water content or balance of body fluids . However, potassium also has other functions, such as maintaining cardiovascular health and regulating nerve cell function. These three minerals are essential for the control of body fluids. They work together in the feeding process by regulating muscle contractions, nerve reaction or brain function, absorption of certain nutrients and water from the intestine, protein synthesis, and regulation of acids for digestion.


Deficiency of any of these minerals can cause blood pressure problems, fluid retention, digestion problems, weakness, brain fog, muscle cramps, swollen ankles, etc. If the deficiency is severe, it can also cause paralysis or heart failure.

food sources

Everyone knows that salt is the best source of these minerals as it contains sodium chloride. These are the some foods rich in potassium: banana, pumpkin, orange, dates, nuts, seeds, legumes, yogurt, milk and soy . Some non-vegetarian options are meat, fish and shellfish.


Everyone knows how vital iron is. Although it belongs to the category of trace elements, its function for the body should not be overlooked. Iron is necessary for blood production, oxygen transport, and proper immune function . Also, it is necessary for the metabolism of certain drugs/foreign substances that need to be excreted from the body.


Iron deficiency can cause anemia, fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, muscle pain, dizziness, glossitis/swollen tongue, headache . A very low deficiency of this mineral can be life-threatening.

food sources

Foods like nuts, green leafy vegetables, legumes, cashews, whole grains, beef, shellfish, chicken and turkey are rich sources of iron.

trace elements

Although the minerals mentioned above are of paramount importance, you should not forget other nutrients such as trace elements; since these also participate in many bodily functions .

alimentos con minerales esenciales

Trace elements are zinc, fluoride, copper, manganese, iodine, selenium, chromium . Each has its own functions. For example: zinc has an important role in the metabolism of fats, lipids, proteins, carbohydrates and enzymes. It is also involved in cell growth, wound healing, and skin cell regeneration; iodine is essential for the regulation of thyroid hormone and, consequently, physical and mental development; and manganese acts as an antioxidant enzyme.


Although trace elements are required in small amounts , deficiency of these minerals can create many abnormalities in the body.

food sources

Trace elements are present in all dairy products, shellfish, nuts and legumes, whole grains, iodized salt, meat products, etc.

This is how essential minerals make our body work and protect our organism. So, to stay energetic and disease-free , eat a healthy diet to get the nutrients you need.