Don't forget your sunscreen on race day

As a general rule, a runner usually takes special care of taking care of all his equipment the day before a race. Leaving the sneakers the night before in good condition, having chosen the clothes to wear, programming the quantifying bracelet or even planning a perfect breakfast to nourish ourselves before the run, is something very common, however there is always something that is forgotten. Yes, it is facial care , for which the sun cream is usually ignored, leaving as an effect a face at the end of the race that seems to have taken the day in full sun on the beach.

Interestingly, bandages, ointments or respiratory tapes are not often forgotten , but the cream almost always. In his defense, we must recognize that it is somewhat annoying to throw it on us knowing that we will sweat soon after use, but the effects of not using it can be worse than noticing a slightly wet or sticky face in the first meters of your career.

A basic kit

The mountain corridor will not be the same as the urban corridor, at the same time as neither a run in summer nor winter, or at twelve in the morning or at eight in the afternoon. However, the sun is always there, whether there are clouds or not, and ultraviolet rays too.

Thinking about the mountain runner, although it can be extended to any runner, we recommend three basic tools to fight the sun in a race:

  • Cap : In this as in everything there are tastes. There will be from runners who find it a perfect complement not only to remove the sun from your face but to tame your hair, to others who will find it a hindrance. Our advice is that the fewer flashes and discomforts when looking at a better career, and a cap does its job.
  • Glasses : More of the same. In this case, if we talk about a race in full sun, almost that its use could be considered essential. Always adapted to your graduation and quality (in many cases going to the Chinese can be even worse than not wearing them), it will also be important that they do not weigh their mount much . Currently there is a huge range of glasses only for running.
  • Sun cream : the protagonist of this article. Do not forget it, and watch the protection factor according to the type of skin you have, there will be a perfect one for you.

Protección solar

Take it seriously

According to experts, almost half of the runners do not use sun creams . Paradoxically, those same experts and dermatologists are those who warn that long stretches in the sun can increase the risk of melanomas or cases of atopic skin .

Given this, there are a thousand excuses : since the cream sometimes bites, if it does not work with sweat, or you have not finished finding the one that suits you best. The solution to this is clear: use it from your workouts.

Obviously if you use a cream only on the day of the race it may bother you, and the best solution is that since you notice the powerful sun in your training runs, you resort to the cream. Yes, it can be expensive, but don't be stingy, it can be more expensive not to use it.

Don't take off your shirt

Finally, a no-brainer. At this point we can already look like your mother when you went to the beach and forced you to completely bathe in sunscreen, but this is very evident.

If the face alone is a dilemma to fill it whole and avoid burns, imagine taking off your shirt. Today there are already clothes with sun protection included, but even the most basic shirt will parapet the sun . Well, if you take it off, there is no armor that is worth it.

We doubt that you have put cream on the abdomen or chest, and going without a shirt will be a guarantee of burning yourself. If you burn, the next day of training will not be the same , affecting a severe burn to your movements for sure.

Therefore, the star king is always with us when it comes to running, and some cream can prevent many greater ills. Watch the protection of your face (and therefore your body), and think that some cream can avoid many problems.