Do you really know what the benefits of eating garlic are?

Do you know the benefits of eating garlic ? It is a food that gives a lot of flavor when preparing many meals. For many people, it has an unpleasant smell and, therefore, it is not well received by any public, but its advantages are multiple. In order for you to know them, throughout this article we are going to talk about this food that is not lacking in any home.

Benefits of eating garlic

As we have already said in the introduction to this text, there are many benefits of eating garlic . On the one hand, there are those who cannot stop preparing their stews with it. On the other, it is a food that is used in small quantities and, even so, it faces such serious problems as high cholesterol . Therefore, we recommend that you always have some at home. You never know when you will have to use it, or even how. If you want to know more, you just have to keep reading.

Improve blood circulation, one of the benefits of eating garlic

If garlic stands out for something, it is because it is rich in Vitamin B. It is a substance capable of reducing homocysteine levels . This is responsible for the hardening of the blood vessels, therefore, it prevents problems such as coronary artery disease or thrombosis . Therefore, it is advisable to eat garlic on an empty stomach.

Beneficial for the liver

Garlic is perfect for detoxifying the body . This is because it is capable of helping our body to eliminate parasites, to purify toxins and to release from the body remains of drugs that the liver is unable to process or heavy metals such as mercury. It is also a food that contains vitamins A, B and C. Therefore, it is highly recommended to stimulate liver functions . In addition to the above, garlic has the ability to reduce inflammation . For this reason, its consumption is recommended in the case of having fatty liver.

Great for colds

Among the benefits of garlic is also that it is ideal for fighting colds. If when you face this problem you have a lot of mucus, this product helps you decongest . In this way, it becomes a good natural antibiotic , highly recommended, in addition, to treat lung problems. In the event that you suffer a lot of cough or have sinusitis, we advise you to prepare a syrup or steam with this product.

Reduces cholesterol levels

On the other hand, if garlic stands out for something, it is because it contains allicin . It is a substance that makes our cardiovascular system look stronger. In this way, whoever consumes a natural garlic clove on a daily basis will be able to reduce bad cholesterol by even 9% .

beneficios de comer ajo

Take care of the digestive system, another of the benefits of eating garlic

If all of the above seemed enough, it should be noted that garlic is also capable of taking care of the digestive system . Of course, it is not necessary to eat a head of garlic on a daily basis, but if we consume a piece of garlic like someone who takes a medicine every morning, the benefits will be noticeable after a few days. Thus, the digestions will be carried out in a simpler way . The reason is that this product stimulates gastric acids. For this reason, the food that is consumed is digested and absorbed in an adequate way.

Garlic as an antioxidant

The extracts of this food contain antioxidants capable of preventing degenerative diseases. Now, yes, studies claim that this can be achieved with fresh garlic extracts that have aged for at least twenty months. Thus, this substance would achieve antioxidant properties because very unstable molecules have been modified to transform them into more stable ones. In this way, it can have palliative effects on ailments that are related to aging , including Alzheimer’s and dementia. However, it should be noted that to get all these benefits you would have to consume large amounts .

Lower blood pressure

Garlic contains sulfur that is able to stimulate the production of nitric acid in the veins . This fact improves its elasticity, so the blood flow will be more fluid. For this reason, some specialists advise taking one or two cloves of garlic on an empty stomach for a few weeks depending on the needs . What’s more, there are those who opt for four teeth a day so that the result is much more significant. Now, yes, it should not be taken as a substitute for any drug in the event that a person suffers from high blood pressure.

Nutritional value of garlic

Taking into account all the benefits that garlic boasts , it should also be noted that it has a high nutritional value as well as very few calories . In this way, whoever consumes 28 grams of this product, will only be ingesting 42 calories. It also contains vitamin B6, vitamin C and manganese . Likewise, the Spanish Heart Foundation recommends consuming it on a daily basis as an antiseptic, cleansing and antibacterial remedy, in addition to what has already been mentioned above.