Do you know what the main function of the rowing machine is? find out

The rowing machine is the perfect device to lose weight, keep fit, strengthen muscles and exercise the cardiovascular system. When an athlete trains with the rowing machine, he manages to work both the lower and upper body. Such is its effectiveness that more than eighty percent of the muscles are worked on in each movement performed on this device.

Considering its name, it is quite easy to realize that this machine was created in order to imitate the movements that are carried out when rowing a boat or a raft . Now, due to the fact that it is not always possible to go to a river to do this type of sports, this device was created to be able to exercise with similar movements even on the coldest days of the year. Thus, little by little it has become one of the most outstanding devices in sports centers . Moreover, there are those who decide to buy a rowing machine to have it at home and be able to train as freely as possible.

ejercitar los músculos

Benefits of the rowing machine for the body

As we have said before, the exercises that are carried out with the rowing machine are very complete. Without a doubt, it is one of the devices that brings the most benefits to the body. It does not matter if the machine is more or less professional, as long as the movements can be carried out correctly, they will improve the musculature of most of the organism . In addition, experts assure that with this training the muscle is not stressed. However, if it is practiced often, it is possible to develop muscle mass at a faster rate .

The rowing machine influences the entire muscular system. We are talking about a device that not only serves to shape the muscles or to achieve a stylized figure, but is also perfect for improving the cardio-respiratory system , as well as strengthening the vessels and arteries.

To obtain these benefits, it is not mandatory to go to a gym, since there is the possibility of buying a good rowing machine and having it at home to use it constantly and freely.

The best deal to buy a rowing machine that we have found:

The muscles most involved in the rowing machine

There are people who think that only the arms work with the rowing machine . Now, taking into account the effort that is made, the whole body is involved when making the movement required by this device. Thus, the back-and-forth motions in a continuous manner require more than eighty percent of the muscles to develop .

Now, yes, it is necessary to know that before using the rowing machine it is essential to warm up. Likewise, technique is also essential to do a good job. In this way, the back should be neither straight nor completely rounded. Otherwise, the risk of injury can be high. The reason is that any other position that is not recommended could damage the lumbar area . Therefore, anyone who may have back problems should be careful with this device.

back muscles

The muscles involved in the back when using the rowing machine are the following:

  • The latissimus dorsi muscle : The latissimus dorsi muscle reacts the moment we pull our wrists and arms backwards. It is the largest of the back and is the one that partially covers the trapezius muscles. Likewise, it also extends through the lower part of the back.
  • The rhomboids : These muscles are located in the shoulder area, specifically between the shoulder blades and the spine. Its function is to strengthen the trapezius muscles, preventing the back from arching over time.
  • The trapezius : They are located on the latissimus dorsi muscle and are activated when the handlebar is pulled. If a good warm-up is carried out with respect to these muscles, they will be able to cope with their work of stabilization and control of shoulder blade and neck movements.

arm muscles

The muscles of the arms most involved when using the rowing machine are the following:

  • The deltoids : They are located in the shoulders and their name is due to their shape resembling that of a Greek letter similar to a triangle. It is at the moment when the wrists are relaxed that circular movements are carried out that are essential to carry out the stretching that this exercise requires.
  • The triceps : At the moment in which the handlebar is pulled to bring part of the apparatus closer to the center of the body, these muscles are activated.
  • The biceps : The biceps are located on the forearm and are responsible for allowing the arms to bend at the elbow. The closer your elbows are to your body when using the rowing machine, the more your biceps will develop.

leg muscles

The rowing machine allows not only one exercise, but many more. Therefore, various variants can be carried out with which to work the muscles of the lower part. Among them are the following:

  • The buttocks : Without a doubt, it is one of the strongest that a person’s body possesses. With each movement on the rowing machine, the glutes contract to be able to carry out the push-ups that this type of exercise requires.
  • The quadriceps : The quadriceps are located just below the glutes and allow you to burn a lot of calories when working. On the rowing machine they have the function of pushing.
  • The hamstrings : They are located at the top and back of the legs. They allow you to push your body back more easily.

abdominal muscles

The abdominal muscles that are worked with the rowing machine are the following:

  • The spinal erectors : They allow to balance the lower part of the back.
  • The obliques : They are located on the sides of the abdomen and have the function of stabilizing the body so that it does not twist with movements.
  • The abdominals : In the vast majority of sports you need to develop abdominal work. Now, these muscles can be exercised more by contracting the waist at the moment of exertion.

Rowing machine exercises

There are many exercises that can be done with the rowing machine .

back exercise

máquina de remo

In this exercise, you have to sit on the rowing machine facing the handle, hold it with both hands and move it towards and away from your chest over and over again .

side exercises

máquina de remo

In this exercise, you have to position yourself as in the previous one. However, on this occasion the handle is not carried towards the center of the chest, but towards the sides of it .

Upright rowing exercises

máquina de remo

The rowing machine can be used without sitting down. Thus, in this case you have to stand up and grab the handle with the palms of your hands facing upwards. Now, it is time to bring it closer to the chest, developing, above all, the muscles of the arms and those of the upper part of the back.