Do you know what are the benefits of pear for your health?

Pears are not only delicious, but they are also loaded with nutrients that are beneficial to the body . From improving digestion, lowering blood pressure, and improving heart health to increasing cognitive ability, there are numerous health benefits of pear .

Prevent cancer

Research on the benefits of pear reveals that antioxidants aid in cancer prevention , as well as free radical damage that is attributed to different types of cancers.

Pears are an abundant source of antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin E, and fiber, all of which are well known to play a protective role in various types of cancers ranging from colon, breast to lung cancer.

beneficios de la pera

The antioxidants, vitamin C, fiber, and other vital nutrients present in pears have also been found to aid in a healthy diet that is crucial in fighting different types of cancer. Therefore, consuming more fruits like pears can help protect against cancer and also significantly reduce the risk of developing it.

Helps accelerate wound healing.

One of the main benefits of pear is that it is a food rich in vitamin C (ascorbic acid) , which is clinically proven to help with wound healing and tissue repair.

Furthermore, this essential vitamin is a crucial part for synthesizing tissue growth in various cell structures and organs of the body . All of this is essential for the body’s metabolism to function smoothly, as well as ensuring that all bodily functions are carried out properly.

Research has shown that wound healing occurs much faster when there are high levels of vitamin C in the body. In that sense, you can raise the levels of ascorbic acid in your diet by consuming more pears on a regular basis.

Over time, those little cuts and the injuries along with the damage they cause tend to heal much faster as a result of increased intake of ascorbic acid through nutritious foods like pears.

The high levels of ascorbic acid in pears also help repair damaged blood vessels . This can significantly reduce unnecessary stresses on the cardiovascular system and further prevent the onset of heart disease.

Abundant source of dietary fiber

Other benefits of pear is that it contains higher amounts of fiber than most fruits. Fiber has many health benefits, and therefore incorporating pears into your daily diet can dramatically increase your daily fiber intake.

Fiber can help you reach a healthy weight, thanks to the fact that high-fiber foods are more filling and lower in calories than others .

In addition, the abundant amount of fiber in pears facilitates digestion and helps to have a stronger immune system .

In one study, older people with constipation problems reported experiencing constipation relief after consuming a fiber-supplemented diet.

Helps improve the immune system

Pears are rich in vitamin C and other vital nutrients that help strengthen the immune system, thus significantly reducing the risk of various chronic diseases .

When multiple tests were conducted in animal studies to determine the effect of vitamin C in living organisms, it was concluded that animals with higher levels of vitamin C in their bodies had a stronger immune system than the group with minimal amounts of it essential vitamins.

beneficios de comer pera

For this reason, living organisms, including humans, can benefit from a better immune system by increasing levels of this vitamin.

Vitamin C is crucial for a healthy immune system. This vitamin can give the body everything it needs to protect itself against bacteria, viruses, and microbes that can potentially harm you if invaded.

Improved blood circulation and increased red blood cell count

Another of the great benefits of pear is that it is a highly recommended fruit for people suffering from anemia and other diseases associated with mineral deficiencies , thanks to the rich content of iron and copper present in these fruits.

Dietary copper, which can be obtained from pears, is known to be beneficial for cardiovascular homeostasis . It is also known to help improve normal cardiovascular function in both animals and humans.

On the other hand, clinical trials in people suffering from iron deficiency and heart failure show that foods rich in iron can significantly improve symptoms of heart failure and anemia .

A diet that includes high levels of dietary fiber can go a long way toward fighting the potential effects of iron deficiency and further reducing the risk of heart failure .

Additionally, iron is known to be a crucial element for blood production. Increasing iron levels through regular consumption of foods such as pears greatly increases the amount of hemoglobin in the blood .

Most importantly, copper helps improve iron absorption, and therefore copper deficiency can significantly reduce iron absorption in the body. In this sense, consuming more pears helps to raise the levels of copper that the body needs to absorb iron effectively, which will lead to an increase in the red blood cell count over time.

Similarly, more copper in the diet helps improve circulation and the overall cardiovascular system .

Helps reduce inflammation

Vegetables and fruits like pears contain high levels of flavonoids and antioxidants , which have been scientifically shown to help curb inflammation and also reduce pain related to inflammatory diseases.

beneficios de la pera para la salud

Antioxidants are particularly important in fighting inflammation caused by oxidation and free radical activity.

In a study conducted to determine the antioxidant activity of 12 fruits along with 5 commercial fruit juices, pears were found to be among the fruits with the highest levels of antioxidants . That means they are quite effective at neutralizing inflammation-causing free radicals.

Pears are also rich in flavonoids , some special compounds found in most plants that are widely known to have incredibly powerful antioxidants that provide a host of health benefits .

Eating pears can be a wonderfully delicious way to provide the body with the essential antioxidants and flavonoids it needs to fight inflammation.

Rich in potassium

Another benefit of pears is that they are rich in potassium , an essential nutrient that can benefit overall health in many ways. There is concrete evidence that potassium helps improve cardiovascular health by lowering blood pressure when consumed in food or as a dietary supplement.

For example, research shows that there is a link between increased potassium intake and reduced blood pressure , which significantly reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke. This nutrient can also lower blood pressure by being a vasodilator and by its ability to balance the side effects of salt on the kidneys.

Additionally, potassium improves blood flow by creating a vasodilator effect on blood vessels , causing blood to flow much faster throughout the body.

Potassium also acts as a fluid regulator of the body and therefore helps to keep the parts of the body well hydrated and ensures that there is a good balance of fluids in both the cells and the organs of the body. Simply put, there are several processes that the body cannot carry out properly without potassium.

Potassium, whether consumed or used as a dietary supplement, definitely has multiple health benefits that cannot be overlooked. Regular consumption of pears can help ensure a constant supply of this nutrient to the body.


  • Dietary fiber for constipation in older adults: a systematic review . (2001, September 1). ScienceDirect.
  • Verlhac, V. (1994, January 1). Influence of vitamin C on the immune system of salmonids . Wiley Online Library.
  • The Relationship Between Oxidation, Free Radicals and Inflammation . (2015, November 24). Dr. Alfred Plechner.
  • Connie M. Weaver, Potassium and Health, Advances in Nutrition , Volume 4, Issue 3, May 2013, Pages 368S – 377S,