Do you drink several cups of coffee a day? You could suffer these side effects

Hot coffee, freshly brewed and accompanied by some toast. There is no better breakfast than that, but there are some side effects of coffee. There are those who do not settle for a single cup of coffee, but drink up to 8 coffees throughout the day. If we are one of them, this interests us.

Doctors warn of a series of side effects due to excess caffeine in the body, both for men and women. It is known that everything in excess is bad, but … coffee too? Yes, that’s what the doctors say.

Dr. Jill Hechtman, a board certified obstetrician and scientific advisor to Nightfood, says too much caffeine can cause some blood vessels to dilate, causing swelling and tenderness (mild pain).

Maximum 400 mg of caffeine per day (4 cups of coffee)

This doctor recommends a maximum of 4 cups of coffee a day, but not only the cup itself is counted, but the content of it, since there are cups of all sizes. Jill Hechtman, indicates that each cup should have a maximum of 240 mm of coffee.

The important thing is not to exceed 400 milligrams of caffeine per day, since there would start many problems if we take it as usual. Also, exceeding 600 milligrams is not considered healthy at all.

Una mujer echa café en una taza con una cafetera de color rojo

Caffeine contains not only coffee, but chocolate as well (especially pure cocoa), soda drinks, energy drinks, and the like.

Some side effects of excess caffeine in the body cause breast tenderness. Caffeine does not cause breast cancer, however, there may be a minimal relationship between breast tissue and caffeine.

A 2018 study published in the US National Library found that premenopausal women who drank many cups of coffee a day also had a higher percentage of breast density.

Sophia Yen, CEO of Pandia Health, says that women with dense breasts have a higher risk of breast cancer. Dense breasts mean they have more fibrous or glandular tissue than fatty tissue.

Many patients who drink a lot of caffeine report having breast pain, and when they reduce their intake, this side effect disappears.

Addiction, blood pressure, abortion and other side effects of coffee

If coffee plays an important role in the mood (dopamine) of those who consume it, it can become addictive . This is a serious side effect, if pushed to the limit, like smoking.

Una mujer con dolor de cabeza mirando un ordenador

Headache is a clear side effect of excess caffeine as explained in EatThis . There are those who suffer from these withdrawal pains, but caffeine has also been shown to increase the frequency of migraines.

If we suffer from anxiety , it is better to stay away from caffeine and change it for a more relaxing drink and not as stimulating as coffee, teas or energy drinks.

Increased heart rate and blood pressure are two clear side effects of caffeine. Drinking more than 4 cups a day could lead to serious problems such as strokes, heart accidents, kidney failure, etc.

Complications in pregnancy is another great side effect, since caffeine consumption is related to miscarriages . If we are pregnant or think we are, coffee should not be among our daily foods.

Irritable bowel is a very common consequence of drinking coffee and some energy drinks. Caffeine has a very powerful stimulating effect, but when taken to the limit, it can cause real problems such as irritable bowel syndrome.