Density training for fat loss

When we talk about training aimed at losing fat , no doubt many people might think of a boring and monotonous workout: endless hours of cardiovascular work on a treadmill or bicycle can end up making us give up before we start seeing results on the scale and in mirror. For this, there are numerous alternatives to make our training less boring and more dynamic.

However, fat loss workouts don’t have to be boring or consist solely of hours and hours of cardiovascular exercise. What would you think if I told you that it is possible to do strength work and at the same time lose fat without it being a boring job?

Trabajar con superseries aumentará la intensidad de tu entrenamiento

What is density training?

Density training are routines that are characterized by a high density of work in a very short time, that is: trying to work as many muscles in the shortest time possible so that we generate a high workload.

This type of training will be based mainly on compound exercises and those in which more than one muscle intervenes.

But, in addition to multi-joint exercises, another way to perform a density training to seek fat loss would be to use supersets-based training (performing two exercises consecutively with no rest in between, such as a bench press followed by dumbbell flys).

Entrenamiento de pesas para perder grasa

What types of supersets are there?

  1. Superset “simple movement-complex movement” : these are supersets in which we will first work a muscle or muscle group and then we will introduce a more complex (or isolation) exercise to bring the muscle almost to failure. An example might be a series of supine chin-ups followed by a barbell / dumbbell bicep curl.
  2. Compound Superseies : very similar to the previous ones, with the difference that we will work with two complex exercises, such as a French press and then a pulley triceps extension.
  3. Synergistic Superset : The main characteristic of these supersets is that we will use opposing muscle exercises. An example of this type of supersets would be to perform a bicep curl and then a French Press (working both biceps and triceps in the same supersets).
  4. Staggered superset : it is characterized by exercising muscles that have nothing to do with each other, how it could be to perform a series of squats and, then, a military press with dumbbells.

El mejor entrenamiento para definir músculo

Density Workout Routines for Weight Loss

The following three routines for fat loss are structured in two sessions (A and B) and the recommendation is to perform each of them twice a week, obtaining a total of four weekly workouts.

20 minute routine A

  1. Superset Dumbbell Flat Press with Two-Handed Dumbbell Row (bilateral) – 3 x 8-12 (45 second rest between sets).
  2. Standing Dumbbell Side Raise in Supersets with Seated Dumbbell Press – 3 x 8-12 (30 second rest between sets).
  3. Standing Superset Dumbbell Bicep Curl with Overhead One Hand Triceps Extension – 3 x 8-12 (30 second rest between sets).
  4. Gluteal Bridge Superset Abdominal Plank – 3 x 15 (30 second rest between sets).

For this last exercise, my recommendation is that the duration of the abdominal planks does not exceed 6-8 seconds. If you are beginners, start doing plates of 4-5 seconds in duration each and a second pause below. As you progress, gradually increase its duration.

Entrenamiento de densidad para pérdida de peso

20 minute routine B

  1. Superset Calf Raises with Box Jumps or Plyometric Squats – 3 x 8-12 (60 seconds rest between sets).
  2. Romanian Deadlift Super Set Barbell Squat – 3 x 8-12 (30 second rest between sets).
  3. Prisoner Squat Superset Barbell or Dumbbell Lunges – 3 x 8-12 (60 seconds rest between sets).
  4. Leg raises hanging from a bar in superset with isometric leg raises lying on the floor – 3 x 8-12 (30 seconds rest between sets).

As the second of the exercises is an isometric, my recommendation is that the duration of each repetition be the same as when we did the abdominal planks, that is, not longer than 6-8 seconds.

El mejor entrenamiento para perder grasa

30 minute routine A

  1. Superset Barbell Incline Bench Press with Superset Wide Grip Prone Chin-Up with Push-ups – 3 x 6-10 (60 second rest between sets).
  2. Superset Front Disc Raise with Birds Superset Dumbbell Chin Row – 3 x 6-10 (45 seconds rest between sets).
  3. Superset Barbell Bicep Curl with Dips on Parallel Bars (can be done on the assisted pull-up machine as well) Reverse Grip Barbell Bicep Curl Superset Curl – 3 x 6-10 (45 second rest between sets).
  4. Isometric leg raises in superset with abdominal plank – 3 x 6-10 (45 seconds rest between sets).

For this exercise, the recommendation is what we have been doing in the abdominal exercises in this article: each repetition should last between 6-8 seconds maximum.

30 minute routine B

  1. Superset Barbell Lunges Superset Plyometric Squat with Calf Raises – 3 x 6-10 (60 seconds rest between sets).
  2. Romanian Deadlift Superset Reverse Barbell Front Squat with Superset Barbell Front Squat – 3 x 6-10 (60 second rest between sets).
  3. Superset Bench Steps with Abdominal Plank Superset Farmer’s Walk – 3 x 6-10 (60 seconds rest between sets).

¿Cómo entrenar para perder grasa?

40 minute routine A

  1. Bench Decline Superset Pushups with Super Set Close-Grip Chin-ups with Barbell Standing Rowing Superset Bench Press – 3 x 6-10 (60 second rest between sets).
  2. Seated Dumbbell Superset Military Press with Seated Superset Dumbbell Lateral Raises with Standing Barbell Military Press – 3 x 6-10 (60 second rest between sets).
  3. Superset Dumbbell Incline Bench Bicep Curl with Superset Barbell French Press Superset Hammer Dumbbell Bicep Curl with Diamond Pushups – 3 x 6-10 (60 second rest between sets).
  4. Gluteal Bridge Superset Abdominal Plank – 3 x 20 (30 second rest between sets).

¿Qué es el entrenamiento de densidad?

40 minute routine B

  1. Plyometric squats or box jumps in superset with bench steps in superset with calf raises in superset with walking lunges – 3 x 6-10 (60 seconds rest between sets).
  2. Romanian Barbell / Dumbbell Superset Deadlift Front or Rear Barbell Squat Superset Reverse Stride Dumbbell Superset Lunge – 3 x 6-10 (60 seconds rest between sets).
  3. Superset Burpees with Abdominal Plank Superset Farmer’s Walk – 3 x 6-10 (60 seconds rest between sets).

Entrenamiento de pesas para perder grasa


  • Brad Borland. Density training for fat loss. For Breakingmuscle. [Revised December 2017]