4 workout routines that can be dangerous if not done right

The interest in maintaining a stronger and healthier body; or simply the need to lose weight through a routine that is in vogue, without first evaluating its impact and benefits, can be counterproductive.

For example, going straight to a high intensity interval training (HIIT) or a CrossFit class, without knowing what you are getting into, can result in overtraining or injuries that can temporarily halt your fitness purpose, and even affect Your Health.

The decision to start a training program should be the result of careful consideration of all the benefits and side effects it can bring, as not all programs have the same positive impact on their participants.

Known 4 Workout Routines That Can Be Dangerous If You Don’t Prepare Your Body With A Fitness Program In Advance.

Peligros de una rutina de entrenamiento realizada sin preparación previa

4 dangerous routines if you don’t prepare your body beforehand

1. HIIT training

This workout promises to burn a lot of calories through short-lived, high-intensity exercise bouts, followed by short periods of rest. But due to the intensity it warrants, it is wise to assess your fitness level before participating in any program.

According to the International Sports Sciences Association , those who are not fit will have more difficulty performing the exercises correctly, and will need to build strength and condition at a lower intensity before attempting a HIIT workout .

Beginners who ignore these recommendations are at risk for orthopedic injuries such as rotator cuff tears, shoulder dislocation, meniscus tears, and hip or ankle injuries. So to avoid injuries, be sure to start them with the support of a certified trainer to supervise your sessions. Also, remember that mastering proper technique takes time and patience.

Peligro de ejecutar una rutina HIIT sin preparación previa

2. Bikram yoga

Yoga is known as a calming and relaxing exercise, but it also has the potential to harm rather than heal . Even with traditional classes, some experts in this discipline can cause you to go too far, resulting in tight muscles, muscle strain, affected knees, and lower back injuries.

Also, if you add heat to yoga, it will lead to faster dehydration, which can increase joint pain and create additional health problems. And if you are not well hydrated or suffer from low blood pressure, you run the risk of fainting during class.

To avoid problems in your Bikram yoga sessions , perform several warm-up stretches before each class and keep your body hydrated before, during and after the session.

El bikram yoga puede ser perjudicial para la salud

3. Circuit training

Like HIIT training, circuit training can be dangerous for beginners due to the speed it requires. The dynamic movements in each rotation have the potential to push the body to the limit, especially the knees.

In this type of training it is important to understand that pain is an indicator that you need to slow down and relax the joint. As a result, beginners will benefit from slower training focused on avoiding injury. It is also suggested to maintain the proper position during each exercise. To do this, ask a coach to guide you.

As you perform each exercise correctly and feel stronger, consider adding cardio training to your program.

¿Son saludables los entrenamientos en circuito?

4. CrossFit

You can’t talk about fitness trends without mentioning CrossFit. However, some experts have doubts as to whether this type of training can be risky, particularly in those who do not do it correctly.

Although all physical activities and training programs require slow and steady progress, CrossFit beats them all, as it often involves dealing with very advanced exercises. As a consequence, some practitioners end up with serious shoulder and knee injuries.

It’s not uncommon to feel tired and weak after a CrossFit workout , but if you feel like you’re building too fast, you should slow down immediately. The body knows its capabilities, so you need to pay close attention to what it says. Usually, exceeding the limits too much always leads to injury.

Peligros de ejecutar una rutina CrossFit sin preparación


  • Tehrany, A. The Dangers of HIIT, Hot Yoga, Circuit Training & CrossFit. For Livestrong [Revised October 2017]