What kind of footprint do you have? How to fix it

Each and every one of us are different beings, so much so that no two footprints are the same. Very similar, yes, but not the same. Today we are going to explain the differences between the pronator tread, the supinator tread, the neutral tread, how to find out our type of tread and we will learn some tips to correct it.

We believe that we walk perfectly, but we are still very confused or nobody has ever stopped to tell us that we take the heel out, that we step with the foot open, that we do not relax the foot when walking, etc. Today we come to solve the main doubts that exist around the footprints. And what is more important, we will learn to discover what type of footprint we have.

Within each type of footprint we will say what it is characterized in order to identify it and some basic tips and exercises to correct the footprint. From now on we warn that, if we believe that we have any anomaly in the foot or a problematic tread, we should consult a podiatrist or traumatologist. Only they can help us solve our problems.

Why is it important to step well?

Stepping well is not only something that makes us move faster, but the feet, and the legs themselves, support the weight of our entire body. Therefore, the importance of the tread comes because if it is correct and balanced, the weight of our body is perfectly distributed. What’s more, a proper tread saves us from future injuries, something as silly as going down a step wrongly can cause a sprain.

That is why it is important to know our footprint, improve it and, in addition, strengthen the muscles of the foot, ankles and calves, so that, in case of injury, we recover sooner, or in case of a blow, fall or something, the muscles are healthy and strong enough not to suffer any harm.

Inadequate tread, as well as inadequate footwear, leads to long-term damage , muscle overload, misalignment of the legs and even of our hips and back, torn ligaments, lower back pain, sciatica, sprains very often, etc.

How to identify the type of footprint

As we have seen, knowing our footprint is the first step to avoid future injuries, so we are going to give a few brief lessons so that we ourselves are able to identify how we step and be aware to seek help and solutions.

The health of our feet is going to set the pace of our lives, we must bear in mind that the average lifespan today is 80 years old and the healthier the legs are, the more flexible we are, the more active we are and the better cardiovascular health we are have, the better our old age.

That is why if we notice any anomaly in the feet of our children or adolescents, it is best to go to a specialist, to avoid pain, injuries, poor posture and other consequences.

To identify our footprint, we have to stand barefoot on a flat surface and bend our knees in 3 steps with our feet a little apart :

  • If our knees meet, we are pronators.
  • Knees apart, we are supinators.
  • Everything lined up, we have a neutral footprint.

Un runner con tipo de pisada pronador

Types of footprints

Now that we have identified our footprint, we only need to identify the characteristics of each one of them, the injuries that they can cause us in the long term and finally how to correct it. It should be said that the real advice, at least in a personalized way, will be given to us by a specialized podiatrist, traumatologist or physiotherapist.


A habitual footprint and that is characterized by bringing the legs together when we walk or run. In this step, the weight of the body falls on the inner side of the foot and the damage to the shoes as well. It must be said that the natural movement of the body makes us be pronators , but overpronation gives rise to many pains and injuries such as calluses, corns, plantar fasciitis, etc.

When choosing shoes, we must buy them with reinforcements on the inside of the sole, instead of the ends such as the supinator tread. In addition, we will have to go to the specialist if we have pain in the tendons and calluses very easily.


This type of footprint is usually common in people with a lot of bridge, that is, with a high plantar arch. Supination causes the ankle to tilt towards the outside of the body , so the part that suffers the most is the side of the foot, both in the toes and in the heel.

The shoes that are worn at the ends are usually due to a supinator tread, so if we are going to run we should look for sports shoes that have reinforcement in those areas. Apart from going to a professional to correct our footprint, and thus avoid the usual sprains and plantar fasciitis, apart from pain in the lower back in the hip.


It is a correct step, since the feet and legs make a straight movement when we are walking. Thanks to this, injuries are drastically reduced , we improve our balance, we will not suffer pain in the soles of the feet, heels or in the lumbar area.

In addition, having a neutral tread will increase the useful life of our shoes, since they will not deform over the months and with continued use. Shoes for athletes with a neutral tread usually have a drop of about 12 mm, and when running, the foot is not overloaded and the tread of each step is flat.

Tips and exercises to improve the tread

To correct the footprint, there are several exercises. As we have already seen, the normal movement of the body makes us create a pronated footprint, and that is not bad, the bad thing is overpronation, which leads to many pains and long-term health problems. Supination is what we must correct with some urgency, especially in children and adolescents.

Un hombre estirando sus pies

Use special templates

We do not have to be ashamed or anything, it is about health, and even more so about long-term health, as we have mentioned. The state of our feet dictates the state of health in our old age.

A few simple insoles made by an expert podiatrist and after a study of our footsteps, can help us improve our footsteps, favoring our health, and therefore avoiding or reducing foot, hip, and back pain, and promoting a good distribution of body weight. and increasing balance and safety in every step.

Static knee raise

We stand in one place and jog statically, bringing our knees to hip height . We have to raise the arm opposite to the knee we are working on. This will give us a plus of effectiveness incorporating balance in the exercise.

The other modality, which is also highly recommended, is to stand in a straight and normal posture and jog in a static position bringing our feet to the buttocks. You have to do it at a certain speed and this will help us to rest the foot in a more appropriate and conscious way, favoring the stride.

balance platform

It is known as a pilates ball, bozu or balance platform. It is a swollen plastic platform, like a balloon, but with a flat and stable base. Climbing up we work the whole body maintaining balance.

It is a fabulous exercise for our feet, and more specifically if we do the following:

  • Keep your balance with both feet together for as long as possible.
  • Balance with both feet together, forwards and backwards.
  • Make heel releasing the toes and then stepping on the toes and raising the heels.
  • Stay on tiptoe as long as we can.

There are more professional exercises, such as maintaining balance on one leg, but for now you have to start with these that we have given. In this way we strengthen the muscles of the foot and calves almost without realizing it.

on tiptoe

Barefoot or with thin socks, and on a flat surface we stand on tiptoe and hold on for several seconds. Then, we lower the heels slowly and check if they have been supported at the same time, if first the external or internal face. In this way we can train them to position themselves in a neutral way, that is, all at once, instead of letting the weight of the body fall on one side.

Tennis ball

Something as simple as moving a tennis ball forwards and backwards with the sole of the foot helps us to relax that muscle , as well as the tendons and ligaments, and we will be able to improve the tread by preparing the foot to support the weight of the body. throughout the plant structure.

This exercise is highly recommended for all ages, especially in case of injuries, to regain mobility in the legs. It seems very simple, but it works the calf, ankle and foot muscles very well.