Daily facial massage for a young face

A toned and cared complexion is the desire of many people. And is that daily tiredness, stress, worries and other factors, can make it look worse or dull. In addition to correct nutrition and hydration, relaxation activities that provide well-being can be very beneficial. Also, a facial massage contributes to a youthful and vital appearance.

If we have the possibility of regularly going for a relaxing massage, we favor our health and well-being. If, on the contrary, we do not have time, we can do it ourselves, so that we acquire the benefits without having to leave the house. So, consider taking your own self-massages on your hands or feet, for example. As for the face, giving ourselves a facial massage helps to maintain younger and more toned skin; promotes a healthy and vital appearance; and reduces the appearance of signs of aging such as sagging or wrinkles. It is very simple and you will only need a few minutes in front of the mirror to acquire all your contributions.

masaje facial

Facial massage for a young face

It is recommended to perform a daily facial massage so that the results are evident. We assure you that if you are constant, you will notice the change and observe how your face has a revitalized, healthy and toned appearance. You sign up?

First of all, you should clean the face well and prepare it for the massage. Choose an oil that you like and know that works well for your skin type.

Neck : with the fingertips, make smooth lines from the walnut area in ascending towards the ears. Do it to one side and the other, alternating until the oil has penetrated well. Finish with a few pinches to remove the double chin.

Chin: Make small pinches with your index finger and thumb, from the chin to the ears. Do it relaxed, without haste . With the right hand towards the right ear, and with the left hand towards the left ear.

Cheeks: with the fingertips (except the thumb) draw horizontal lines from the center of the cheeks outwards (towards the ears and towards the temple). It's not about putting too much pressure, just a slight drag.

Forehead: with the fingertips, except the thumb, press on the center of the forehead and drag outwards towards the temple, using horizontal lines. Subsequently, make vertical lines from the center to the hair root.

During the massage, the drag movements must be upward and outward. Try to carry out this habit for a while and see the difference that is perceived. In addition, by applying oil daily, you will notice greater nutrition, luminosity and hydration. Trust us, it works!