Is plain yogurt or protein yogurt better?

The big question at the moment is whether it is better to have a natural yogurt without sugar or a protein yogurt. Throughout this text we are only going to explain what one contributes and what the other contributes, that is, the differences. Since each one enters to assess if it is more advisable to take one or the other, although we already say that it is best to alternate them according to needs.

Yogurt is very important, not only because of its calcium content, but also because of the probiotics, but what happens with protein yogurt is that sometimes they are not healthy at all. Starting from the basis that the only yogurt that can be considered healthy is natural and sugar-free, either with vegetable or soy milk.

Saúl Sánchez, on Twitter is SaulNutri, has revealed to us the main differences between a normal natural yogurt and a protein yogurt. Among the most striking collusion are the additives, the lack of probiotics and the sweeteners used in the protein dessert.

There is a clear winner, but to cover specific needs, we can combine them, or at least choose properly and avoid unnecessary sugars, additives and poor quality sweeteners such as fructose, sucrose, sucralose, glucose syrup, etc.

plain yogurt is better

Saúl comments that a natural yogurt has on average between 4 and 5 grams of proteins of great biological value per 100 grams of food. It also says that there are saturated fats, but that in this case they are not all bad. Moreover, the consumption of natural yogurt without sugar is rich in probiotics and its intake helps us avoid metabolic pathologies, and we can even avoid some types of cancer.

Probiotics are very important, not only do they help regulate transit, but thanks to the bacteria in our intestinal microbiota, our body can assimilate vitamins and minerals in the last stage of digestion.

Saúl insists on the recommendation of a natural yogurt without sugar per day, and we support the idea, apart from taking the opportunity to eat a more complete food such as dark chocolate (minimum 80%), fruit, whole grains, honey, etc.

Un yogur natural con frutas

Protein yogurt has no probiotics

For its part, protein yogurt has different levels of quality and only contains a high amount of milk protein that sometimes reaches up to 15 grams. Saúl comments that on an occasional basis and to cover a specific need, such as nates or after training, it is not all bad.

But really, it’s much less healthy than plain yogurt. Protein yogurt often contains additives , and some of them, although approved in Europe, eventually cause health problems. The same happens with sweeteners , since you should only choose without sugar, or in any case with Stevia or erythritol, which are two safe and healthy sweeteners.

To make matters worse, protein yogurt does not provide probiotics, as natural yogurt does. This is due, according to Saúl, to the fact that many times we say or read yogurt, when really that protein food is not a fermented milk as such.