Is it bad to take too much fiber?

Fiber is very necessary beyond regulating intestinal transit, and in this text we are going to discover some of the reasons why it is so good to take fiber daily and also why it is not a good idea to go overboard with the amounts and the consequences so unpleasant that this fact has. Finally, we will give several tips for those days when we are going through a process of excess fiber consumption.

They always tell us the good side of eating foods rich in fiber, but they rarely tell us the negative side. And it is that taking fiber is good, nobody can deny that, the negative part comes with the excesses.

Excess fiber is not good, that is why we want to launch this text to inform the population of all the good and bad things about fiber, from what helps the body, to the point of being able to harm it. There are very serious consequences such as dehydration, but before we get to that, we can find a solution. Although really one of the most dangerous consequences, because it is invisible, is the non-absorption of minerals.

Maximum amount of fiber per day

According to experts, there are certain ranges of grams of daily fiber, and obviously they are not the same for a child, an adult, an elderly person, nor for a pregnant woman or for a person with a digestive system disease.

Adult women should get between 21 and 25 grams of fiber per day , while adult men between 30 and 38 grams per day. In total, an average of 30 grams is calculated for a healthy adult per day. However, pregnant women should consume between 20 and 30 grams per day. A similar amount to older people, which is between 25 and 30 grams of fiber per day.

In the case of children, those under 5 years old should consume between 10 and 15 grams per day. Children under 15 years of age a maximum of 20 grams per day and from 16 years of age a maximum of 25 grams per day.

In an adult, excess fiber is considered when they exceed 50 grams per day. However, many experts mark the maximum range between 60 and 7 grams of fiber per day. Although the reality in our society, especially in diets rich in meats, sausages and ultra-processed foods, is that sometimes not even 15 grams of daily fiber is reached.

Symptoms of excess

The symptoms are clear and they can go from being something mild, like gas, to being serious, like dehydration . Fiber is very important for the body because it helps cleanse it of toxins, regulates blood sugar levels and cholesterol, promotes digestion, helps absorb nutrients, etc. But an excess of fiber (from 60 to 70 grams per day), can turn everything upside down and work against us, as we will see in the next section.

  • loose stools
  • Diarrhea.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Abdominal distention.
  • Gases.
  • Muscle cramps.
  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Noises in the digestive system.
  • General discomfort.
  • cold sweats.
  • dehydration
  • Weight loss, and even weight gain.
  • Constipation.

Una mujer en un cuarto de baño

Consequences and risks

Taking a lot of fiber every day has a series of consequences and risks that are not pleasant at all, apart from the most immediate symptoms, such as those that we have described in the previous section.

Consuming more than 50 grams of fiber a day can prevent our body from absorbing essential nutrients such as minerals. For example, iron, calcium or zinc, which are of vital importance for our body. Iron helps create the hemoglobin that carries oxygen throughout the body, calcium is good for keeping the skeleton and teeth strong and healthy, and zinc is for strengthening the immune system.

There are also the consequences at the gastrointestinal level, such as gas, inflammation of the abdomen, pain, diarrhea, general malaise, etc. If this continues over time, we can suffer weight loss, dehydration, worsen digestion, and can even cause constipation.

In addition, if the diarrhea lasts over time (for several days), we can have anal bleeding, and when we regain stability in the stool, we could suffer tears, which will result in bloody stools due to excess effort. According to the experts, it is not necessary to go to one extreme or the other, the normal thing is not to have to exert force to expel, nor that we do not have time to reach it or be able to control it.

Tips to consider

Taking fiber is important, of course, but not in excess. We must heed the recommendations of the experts and not go overboard with the quantities. If we spend a day or two changing our diet, nothing happens, but if we maintain that excess fiber over time, we have already seen what its consequences are.

We are going to give some tips to keep in mind so that we know when we have to stop consuming fiber. In addition, it should be said that if the diarrhea does not stop and lasts for several days or there is bleeding, it is best to visit a specialist as soon as possible:

  • If our stools are soft or liquid.
  • If we have cramps and abdominal pain.
  • If we have many gases.
  • If our diet is based on vegetables and fruits, we must make a change and reduce fiber intake.
  • If we have bad digestions.
  • Do not eat legumes.
  • Do not eat whole grain bread or whole grains.
  • Always eat cooked vegetables to avoid excess fiber.
  • Avoid raw fruit and vegetables for at least 24 hours.
  • If there is blood in the stool, a doctor should be seen immediately.
  • If there is a lot of pain when expelling, it is advisable to consult a specialist.
  • If there is obstruction for several days, it is a sign that something is not quite right and a doctor will have to check it.
  • Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. If possible, it should be something other than water, for example, unsweetened fruit juices, pharmacy serum, low-sugar lemonade, etc.
  • Avoid sugary foods and sugary and fizzy drinks.