Coffee, cashews and avocados, in danger due to climate change

Climate change is real, and the Earth’s temperature rises more each year, which generates changes in biodiversity. It not only affects bird migrations, for example, but also crops such as coffee, avocados or cashews. 3 very important foods in our diet and that are going to undergo radical changes in the coming years.

Foods as important as cashews, coffee and avocados are included in a healthy diet. There are those who do not like coffee, and nothing happens, but the avocado has many vitamins, minerals and essential oils that are key to our body. The same goes for cashews. It is a delicious and very healthy dried fruit, and we must take about 30 grams a day of dry fruits without salt.

Lights and shadows for specialty coffee

What this new study has indicated is that these 3 foods are at serious risk from climate change. What is going to happen, according to this research, is that the cultivation of Arabica variety coffee will no longer be as extensive. Today it is grown in Brazil, Vietnam, Indonesia and Colombia, among others.

By 2050, coffee of this variety, and if we want it to be of good quality, will be exclusive to some regions of the planet. This will increase its price and turn it into a luxury food, as is now the case with pure caviar. With the increase in climate change, the decreases in crops and quality land will begin, hence it will remain as an exclusive product.

However, cashews and avocados may see climate change as a golden opportunity. We say this because, unlike specialty coffee, cashews and peanuts will broaden their horizons and could be grown in other areas. This translates into job creation, lower costs, local products, etc.

So much so that the research explains verbatim “Both for cashew and avocado, it is expected that the areas suitable for cultivation will expand worldwide”, and goes on to say that the main exporting countries could see their ideal cultivation area reduced. .

Frutos secos

Could they be planted in Spain?

According to this research, the areas with the highest suitability for these 3 foods, especially cashews and avocados, are: the United States, China, Argentina and East Africa . It will be a matter of adaptation and little by little quality crops will be achieved in places where it was previously unthinkable.

But this future has already begun, and there are new areas where food is being grown that until now was “strange” to see there. Without going any further, in Malaga there are mango and avocado plantations. These plantations are gradually spreading to areas of the Mediterranean such as the Valencian Community and in Almería, apart from the western part of Andalusia, in Cádiz and Huelva.

The city on the Costa del Sol has placed Spain at the head of mango production in the European Union. Being such a healthy fruit, lowering transport costs and knowing that it is a national product helps its consumption. So much so that mango consumption has tripled in Spain in the last 5 years.