Bodyweight exercises for glutes

Training with body weight is very effective and usually gives very good results in a few weeks. Doing circuits in the gym is also highly valued to develop the different muscle groups individually, but working with body weight is working the whole body in a single training session.

Training glutes goes far beyond having a more attractive figure, since few people know that this muscle group helps balance, good body posture, improve agility and movement, etc. That is why we are going to start training the glutes using our own body weight.

When several weeks go by and the results begin to be seen, we can include some extra weight with backpacks, dumbbells, sand dumbbells, etc. But for now, bodyweight training is more than enough to beautify our buttocks and improve our health.

And it should also be said that, to mark butt, not only do you need to do squats, but you also have to develop the rest of the muscle groups that are in our legs. In the end, the set will be what gives us the best results.

Dos mujeres haciendo zancadas para entrenar glúteos

Train glutes with body weight

Here we will see simpler exercises and some more complicated ones. The level of skill with them will depend on our previous experience and how we perform exercising, since it is not the same, someone who has just started training than someone who has a very marked goal and has been training for months.


The most hated exercise and one that benefits our legs the most when we want to improve the buttocks. To perform this exercise, we can do it in motion or statically. We recommend moving because the effort is greater and thus we give it dynamism.

  • We have to take wide strides so that the leg that we advance and the one that we leave behind are at an angle of 90 degrees .
  • Look straight ahead and put your hands behind your head. If we look at the ground, we can lose our balance and concentration.
  • When taking the stride, the steps can be a little more open than when we walk normally on the street, if we take steps too far in front of our body, we will lose balance.

Hip Raise Bridge

It is not necessary to do the bridge, we just have to lie on our back and put our legs (open) at a 90 degree angle and lift our hips up, drawing strength from our buttocks. It is a very effective exercise if we do it several times a week and in a matter of a few days we will notice the results.

  • When we raise the hip, we must hold there between 3 and 10 seconds and feel the pressure . We do several repetitions.
  • It is usually done after the strides, although the order does not matter as long as the exercises are well done.
  • To increase the intensity of this exercise, it is a good idea to place your legs on top of a yoga ball, thus enhancing the effort.

step or drawer

It is usually done in CrossFit, but in that sport, they take it to the extreme. We offer an alternative known as Step-up or step up , and it consists of climbing onto a surface, for example, a chair. To increase the intensity, there are those who start with the height of 2 steps and end with the standard height of a table, but it depends on the flexibility and, above all, on our height.

  • We have to raise a foot to the object, chair, for example, and press with the buttock.
  • Then we place the other foot, and to go down you have to do it very slowly and bend your knees a little.
  • Then, we go up with the opposite foot, and so on several times.

side steps

It is a good exercise to complete the bodyweight glute training. We will need elastic bands.

  • We place the band above our knees and open our legs.
  • The back as straight as possible and we exaggeratedly stick out our ass.
  • We are taking little steps to one side and the other by pressing with the buttocks.

This exercise is also done by placing a firm obstacle on the ground such as an aerobic step and always keeping a constant rhythm, going down and up by pressing on the buttocks.

There are those who alternate feet, and there are those who do first one and then another. To give it more intensity, we can lower one foot, squat, raise it and lower the other and perform another squat . And so on. To give it more intensity, we can use a balance platform or a balance ball.

sumo squats

These are somewhat special squats. As a general rule, this exercise is usually done with the feet together, but if we want to work the glutes, it is best to spread the legs at shoulder height and put the toes of the feet out. Come on, just like sumo wrestlers stand in the ring.

  • We go down until we leave the legs at 90 degrees and we go up making force with the buttocks.
  • There are those who lose more and / or use extra weight. That already depends on the resistance, skill, experience, capacity, etc. each.

bulgarian squat

It looks like a normal squat, but it’s not. To perform this exercise and train your glutes actively and consciously:

  • We must leave one foot fixed on the ground, and the other support it on a bench , sofa, chair, stool, etc. That is, we do single leg squats.

It is an exercise where many muscle groups are worked, since it comes into play until balance. If we don’t have good leg stability, it’s best to decline this exercise and practice with a balance ball or balance platform.

reverse kick

Very easy to do, very effective for glute training, but rarely added to circuit training. This exercise involves kicking back, or, the easy version, kicking your leg back while standing.

The most effective exercise that requires more effort is the one performed on a mat:

  • We rest our knees and palms on the mat creating 90-degree angles.
  • We bend the knee.
  • Then we stretch the leg to the maximum and raise it to work the glutes.

To perform the easy exercise, we stand up and look for a stable support for our hands, such as the wall, a chair, a railing, etc. and we throw back one leg .

The key is to make it smooth and exert pressure on the muscles that we want to work on. We alternate one leg and another and we will notice how that area works. If we add extra weight (ankle sand weights), the work is more real. A perfect exercise to enhance the buttocks.