6 pilates exercises that you can practice at home

Pilates is a discipline that provides multiple benefits for the body. It is recommended for all those people who want to be in shape, connect with their mind and body, but also for those who have muscle and joint pain. Did you know that pilates exercises are very easy to practice and you can do them at home?

Benefits of pilates exercises

Pilates was invented at the beginning of the 20th century by the German Joseph Hubertus Pilates, who was inspired by and based on other disciplines such as yoga and gymnastics. Thus, he managed to merge a single session that includes exercises that enhance muscle strength and breathing, but combine it with relaxation of the body and mind. Although Pilates exercises wo n’t help you relax as much as yoga, nor do they require the demands of the gym, they are certainly a great alternative if you want to have two important sports in one.

The fundamental objective of pilates is to develop the internal muscles of the body, help maintain balance, as well as firm and strengthen the spine. That is why pilates exercises are recommended for people who have suffered injuries or suffer from back pain. They also help correct body posture; even many exercises help prevent bad posture and the consequences that can have on the back.

This discipline can be practiced on the ground, on a mat; with or without accessories and can even be executed with machines.

ejercicios pilates

Correct and improve body posture

Pilates exercises help improve the position of the abdomen, chest and shoulders; thanks to this you can achieve the correct posture whether you are standing, moving or sitting. This prevents annoying back pain. If you spend many hours sitting, without a doubt, pilates is your best alternative to correct bad posture in front of the computer.

Gain flexibility!

Pilates exercises enhance the movement and stretching of multiple parts of the body. This allows the muscles to lengthen during its execution and, consequently, flexibility is obtained little by little.

improve breathing

As we have already anticipated, Joseph Hubertus Pilates took yoga as a reference to create his new discipline. That’s why pilates also focuses on breathing. With this, movement is facilitated, but body relaxation is also achieved. If practiced properly, people can improve their breathing throughout the day.

Pilates exercises for rehabilitation

One of the benefits of this discipline is that it can serve as a complementary method of rehabilitation for all those people with joint problems and for those who spend a lot of time sitting. And it is that the exercises help the mobility of the joints, which allows them to progressively recover their movement and lose stiffness.

On the other hand, Pilates exercises serve as a rehabilitation method for knee problems such as torn meniscus, cruciate ligaments and even osteoarthritis. In order to include this exercise as a rehabilitation method, it is important to consult a specialist, in addition to doing the exercises progressively.

basic pilates exercises

1.Roll Up

The roll up is an ideal exercise for spinal mobility, abdominal strengthening and increased flexibility. The execution of the same is done lying on the ground, face up. The arms should be stretched and brought back, at the level of the ears. It is important to take care of your breathing in this exercise, because when you inhale you begin to rise, stretching your arms, as if they were pulling you. The abdominals must contract and the legs remain firm on the ground.

The head should come up, followed by the spine, which should be held in a C shape. The arms reach toward the feet. To return to the starting position, you must inhale again. Exhalation is done when the body touches the mat.

2. Circles with one leg

These exercises help improve core stability while moving the legs; In addition, hip mobility is worked on. This exercise is highly recommended for people who suffer from back pain, caused by moving and not being able to maintain posture. To perform this exercise you must lie down and raise one leg, no matter the height, but the goal is to keep the knee straight, as well as the pelvis and spine stable, while you move.

The exercise is very simple, with your leg raised, you must make small circles, but lengthening it as much as possible. You must control your breathing.

3. Roll like a ball

To stretch your back and work your abs, you can practice rolling like a ball. A basic exercise, but one that requires great stability. Sitting, bring your hands behind your thighs and stick one leg next to the other. Curve the back, the forehead on the knees and looking for balance on the pelvis. Feet should be off the ground. This posture should be maintained throughout the exercise.

As you inhale, you should let the weight pull you back; as you exhale, go up again.

4. One leg lengthening

To work the abdominal area and strengthen it, nothing like leg lengthening. For these exercises, it’s your abs that should help you maintain balance in your pelvis and core, and only your legs should move. For the execution, you must bring the knee to the chest and raise the torso from the ground, while extending the other leg at an angle of 45 degrees. As you exhale, you should bring your knee closer to your chest; It is done by alternating legs.

Also, for beginners, the proper posture is to hold the leg that moves toward the knee , with one hand, under the thigh. Once you have experience and enough balance, you can do it without your hands or hold the leg with the opposite hand.

5. Spine lengthening

Spine lengthening is one of the Pilates exercises that is used to improve the joints and function of the spine, as well as to increase the flexibility of the hamstrings; It is also a recommended exercise to improve posture. How is it done? It is very simple, you must sit down and spread your legs at an angle according to the width of the mat. As you do this, you should dorsiflex your ankle while keeping your back straight. Bring your arms forward, stretched out, as far as you can.

To return to the starting position, you will need to fully articulate your spine, starting with your head. Inhale and lengthen your back; as you exhale, this is when you start moving forward. Inhale again to stretch and exhale to return to the starting position.

6. Pilates exercises to improve strengthening the back

To strengthen the back muscles and improve the abdominal area, the spine extension is recommended. In a resting position, the muscles of the back should be stretched and relaxed, paying special attention to the lower back. To execute it, lie on your stomach and bring your hands to shoulder height.

You must tense the area of the buttocks and abdomen and imagine that the body lengthens forward, separating the chest from the ground. To do this, you must help yourself with your hands. It is important to keep your spine long, and your buttocks and abdomen tense to help you balance and work your muscles better. To get off the ground you must inhale, while to return to the starting position you must exhale.