3 exercises that will make you improve your physical condition

In addition to good eating habits, exercise is also a very important part of a healthy lifestyle, practicing it will improve your energy, body and mind in many ways. For this, it is necessary to have a good physical condition that you can obtain by doing aerobic or resistance exercises that will benefit your cardiovascular system, lungs and the oxygenation of your body.

These kinds of activities make the heart pump harder, so if you do them regularly, you’ll have much stronger and more efficient organs. For this reason, today we will tell you 3 cardiovascular activities that you can do to improve your health and have a better physical condition.


High intensity interval training or better known as high intensity interval training, consists of taking the heart rate to the maximum and then lowering it again. This exercise has become very popular in recent years because it allows you to burn more adipose tissue in less time, since its main function is to speed up metabolism.

Although it is an exercise that can be done with our own weight and without other accessories, it is important to use the right tennis shoes that are capable of cushioning the force of the jump in a good way and provide stability in fitness training , protecting your feet and legs. sprain ankles. Having clothes or, in this case, the correct footwear, will help you get the best results from the exercise, which will be a good option as a complement to a weight training routine or other strength exercise.


Source: Pixabay

This activity combines physical and mental exercise, incredibly increases resistance, improves coordination, helps develop agility, reflexes, locomotive ability and of course, protects the cardiovascular system by improving muscle resistance. This is not a sport that is exclusive to one age, as anyone can do it at their own pace and enjoy all its benefits.

Nowadays, basketball has many faithful followers from different parts of the world. This popularity lies in the fact that this sport has stopped entertaining only in the traditional way as it is known, since now it is possible to enjoy it online through various video games. movies and even sports betting based on this theme, which, as the Bonus Finder betting portal said, can be enjoyed from anywhere, comparing providers and matches of the most popular teams from both major leagues and local ones.


Source: Pixabay

Butterfly, backstroke, front crawl, backstroke and even freestyle, are the basic styles with which you can carry out a good training session of this sport which is one of the most complete that exists, because when you practice it you not only work your whole body, but also your mind and endurance too. This kind of exercise makes your heart pump blood up to 18% more, which will give you better circulation and better cardiorespiratory endurance.

There are many other activities that have been becoming popular and that you can incorporate into your swimming routine, such as aquagym or aquabiking , these two modalities are also aerobic exercises with which you can alternate your training.

In short, no matter the activity or sport you choose, the continuous movement of the body will favor you enormously, always remember to do them in the best way and with the proper technique, with this you will ensure you get the most out of them.