4 natural ways to whiten your teeth at home

Having perfect teeth has become a popular trend over the years, leading thousands of people to spend a lot of money on dental treatments to get perfectly white teeth .

There are many factors responsible for the yellow color of the teeth, especially certain foods that can stain them, although it can also be the result of plaque accumulated in the teeth. To fix it, a visit to the dentist or use a teeth whitening kit is required.

However, these processes often use chemicals that concern the average consumer. In addition, if the procedure is performed carelessly or without proper precautions, it can cause damage that is difficult to reverse on your teeth. For this reason, we show you 4 natural ways to whiten your teeth at home .

Cómo blanquear los dientes de forma segura en casa

4 ways to naturally whiten your teeth

1. Use the “oil pulling” technique

Oil pulling, or oil rinsing, is a traditional Indian practice used to improve oral hygiene and remove toxins from the body.

It basically consists of placing oil in the mouth and making mouthwashes to remove all kinds of bacteria and prevent plaque from forming that makes the teeth yellow (Singh and Purohit, 2011). Tradition indicates that sunflower or sesame oil be used, but today any oil is believed to work. However, many people choose coconut oil, not only for its taste but also for its health benefits.

Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid , a substance known for its effectiveness in reducing inflammation and killing bacteria. In addition, several studies have shown that the daily use of this technique reduces bacteria in the mouth as well as reduces plaque and gingivitis (Asokan, Emmadi and Chamundeswari, 2009).

However, there is no evidence that oil pulling actually whites teeth. It won't hurt to try it anyway, as it doesn't use any acid that can damage tooth enamel.

1.1 How to do oil pulling?

  • Place 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth
  • Push and move the liquid through your teeth for approximately 15-20 minutes
  • Spit the oil down the toilet or garbage can, as it could revert to its solid form and clog the pipes
Técnica oil pulling para blanquear los dientes

2. Using hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a natural agent that bleaches and kills bacteria in your mouth. In fact, it is a commonly integrated ingredient in various teeth whitening products, albeit in much higher proportions.

So far, no studies have investigated the direct effects of making hydrogen peroxide mouthwashes , but we do have information on the toothpastes that contain it. A study in this regard found that brushing your teeth with a toothpaste containing sodium bicarbonate and peroxide 2 times a day leads to 62% whiter teeth in a period of 6 weeks (Ghassemi et al., 2012).

However, its use should be in dilute and moderate amounts, since a high concentration of this substance can cause irritation in the gums and sensitivity in the teeth. There are also some people whose concern is that high doses of it can cause cancer. However, this relationship has not been proven.

2.1 How to use hydrogen peroxide to whiten teeth

  • Use as a mouthwash before brushing your teeth.
  • Use a 1.5% or 3% solution to avoid side effects
  • Mix 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide with one teaspoon of baking soda to make a toothpaste.
  • Only use this homemade paste a couple of times a week as it can damage tooth enamel
¿Qué efectos tiene el peróxido de hidrógeno?

3. Use apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is not only used to disinfect and clean your home, but it can also help you get the teeth of your dreams thanks to a main ingredient, acetic acid, which can kill bacteria in your mouth.

Unfortunately, acetic acid is so powerful that it can corrode the enamel on your teeth and make them weaker. Therefore, its daily use is not recommended and it is necessary to limit the amount of apple cider vinegar that comes into contact with the teeth.

3.1 How to use apple cider vinegar to whiten your teeth

  • Use it as a mouthwash and dilute it with water to avoid side effects
  • Keep it in your mouth and move it from side to side for a few minutes
  • Discard it and wash your mouth with plenty of water
El poder del vinagre de manzana para blanquear los dientes

4. Brush with baking soda

Baking soda is a popular ingredient in toothpastes, as its role as a mild abrasive helps clean surface stains on teeth . In addition, it creates an alkaline environment in the mouth , preventing the growth of bacteria.

The effects of this substance are not immediate, but over time you can see a big difference, although this is greater in toothpastes that contain it, since no studies have proven whitening based only on baking soda.

In fact, one study found that baking soda toothpastes are more effective at removing yellow stains from teeth compared to other toothpastes. The higher the concentration of sodium bicarbonate, the better the effect (Kleber, Moore, Nelson, 1998).

4.1 How to use baking soda to whiten teeth?

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 2 teaspoons of water
  • Brush your teeth with that paste a couple of times a week
Los efectos del bicarbonato de sodio para blanquear los dientes


Getting the perfect teeth is a wish that many people share. That is why it is very important to find safe ways to achieve this and not put the health of your teeth at risk. These 4 that we have offered you are sure to offer you good results without putting your tooth enamel at risk.


  • Asokan, S., Emmadi, P. and Chamundeswari, R. (2009). Effect of oil pulling on plaque induced gingivitis: a randomized, controlled, triple-blind study. Indian journal of dental research. doi: 10.4103 / 0970-9290.49067
  • Ghassemi, A., Hooper, W., Vorwerk, L., Domke, T., DeSciscio, P. and Nathoo, S. (2012). Effectiveness of a new dentifrice with baking soda and peroxide in removing extrinsic stain and whitening teeth. The Journal of clinical dentistry. vol. 23 (3): 86-91.
  • Kleber, CJ, Moore, MH and Nelson, BJ (1998). Laboratory assessment of tooth whitening by sodium bicarbonate dentifrices. The Journal of clinical dentistry. vol. 9 (3): 72-5.
  • Singh, A. and Purohit, B. (2011). Tooth brushing, oil pulling and tissue regeneration: A review of holistic approaches to oral health. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine . doi: 10.4103 / 0975-9476.82525