Checklist for millennials to cope with a quarantine

The key to realistic planning in times of crisis is balancing social and personal responsibility.

Now that we are in a state of emergency, the best we can do to contain the spread of COVID-19 is to take protective measures. This is where social responsibility comes in, because the commitment of each person will be crucial so that the number of infected does not increase over time and it is easier for our health system to care for the sick.

We still have time to do our best to protect ourselves and others. To do this, use this Checklist aimed at millennials to follow a quarantine .

Cómo sobrevivir a la cuarentena del COVID-19

Checklist necessary to overcome a quarantine

1. Know the symptoms

This situation can make more than one anxious; However, having knowledge of the symptoms and possible risks of the coronavirus will make you go one step further.

We are still in flu season so many people can get sick without having to be infected with COVID-19.

The main differentiating symptoms of COVID-19 are these 3: shortness of breath, fever (which can cause fatigue) and cough. After eight to nine days, symptoms may get worse and begin to look like the symptoms of the common flu, so be very vigilant. You can also suffer from bodily aches and pains.

As you can see, the indications are very similar to those of the flu and the cold, so if you show symptoms you should do the following:

  • Contact your doctor to inform them and follow the instructions if they send you to do the test.
  • Stay isolated until the infection clears so you don’t expose anyone else.
  • Keep track of your symptoms, to see if they improve or if you need hospitalization.
  • Wear a mask.
Síntomas diferenciadores del Coronavirus de la gripe

2. Take the necessary precautions

If you can’t fully self-quarantine yourself and you live with other people, here’s the best thing you can do to help:

  • Wash your hands for 20 seconds after using the bathroom or coming home.
  • Don’t touch your face in public spaces or crowded areas.
  • If you sneeze or cough, cover yourself with your elbow.
  • Throw away all tissues immediately after use.
  • Constantly clean high-touch areas like door handles, light switches, and steering wheels.
  • Don’t share food, dishes, or utensils.
  • Have clothes to change on hand as soon as you get home.
  • The virus can survive from 24 hours in cardboard to two or three days in plastic, so if you make purchases it is recommended that you create a separate area to unpack and disinfect.
Consejos para superar la cuarentena del COVID-19

3. Stick to quarantine

Imagine wet paint and marbles in a box, the more marbles there are, the more the paint will spread. In this case, the marbles are us. Quarantine and the practice of social distancing for the next few days is crucial for the spread of the virus.

You should avoid having contact with the outside as little as possible especially if you find yourself in any of these situations:

  • You have recently traveled to places where a COVID-19 transmission is occurring.
  • You have been around someone with a confirmed diagnosis.
  • You forget to follow hygiene protocols.
Guía para sobrevivir a una cuarentena

4. Have a medicine kit

Due to the similarity of the coronavirus with other common diseases, it is possible that for a little cough you want to run to the doctor. However, this is not the best option, unless your doctor tells you to get tested.

In this case, the most sensible thing to do is to stock your medicine kit with what you need. Buy only what you will need for the next 30 days. Your kit in case you become ill should include:

  • Paracetamol to reduce fever and relieve pain.
  • Cough medicine.
  • Multivitamins.
  • Drinks with electrolytes.
  • Soap and / or hand sanitizer.
  • Hand lotion (for dry hands).

Also, make sure you have the following cleaning supplies at home:

  • Bleach (creates a cleaning solution of 5 tablespoons of bleach per liter of water).
  • Isopropyl alcohol (98%)
  • Liquid or bar soap.
Kit necesario para la cuarentena del Coronavirus

4.1 Food during quarantine

If you live with other people, consider buying fast-cooked food to limit the time you spend around each other.

Be careful with open packaged food, as the virus can live on surfaces. Thorough cooking is believed to kill the virus, but there is no evidence that it freezes. If you end up freezing raw foods, like onions and garlic, cook them before eating.

Comprar comida de fácil preparación para pasar la cuarentena

5. Socialize in other ways

It doesn’t matter how strong and healthy you are: going out is not an option unless it is absolutely necessary (to buy medicine or food). If you have to, practice social distancing, which means keeping a distance of at least one meter.

This does not mean completely losing contact with the world, it just means that for a while you should stay away from crowded spaces, such as the gym. However, there is still a way to stay connected with your loved ones and entertain yourself. To do this, you can do the following:

  • Use a page for online training (or follow our routines).
  • Use Skype or WhatsApp video chat to talk with friends or family.
  • Schedule calls throughout the week and catch up with old friends.
Nuevas formas de socializar durante la cuarentena

6. Limit the sites where you find out about the coronavirus

Family chats, news portals, group texts, and social media can end up overwhelming you. Also, not all news stories can be true, which can lead to unnecessary panic.

Identify those who you can trust (who communicate truthful information) when it comes to informing you about COVID-19 and, in the same way, always choose to read the news of prestigious media. As for the WhatsApp texts, avoid paying attention to them as much as possible, and if you do, take the time to corroborate the information before being alarmed.

To this day, this is what is true about the Coronavirus :

  • So far, there is no cure.
  • It is more serious than the flu.
  • No symptoms are needed to be a carrier.
  • Home remedies and essential oils do not protect or cure disease.
  • So far, social distancing is the best way to slow down transmission.
Guía para pasar la cuarentena del COVID-19

7. Try to stay calm

It is normal to feel fear in this situation, but the fear and anxiety linked to the fact that you are in a preventive quarantine will only make you feel worse.

Be realistic about how you feel. If you are afraid, talk about it with someone, do not keep all those feelings that are completely normal only for you. Also, recognize that even at home you are doing the best you can. The simple act of canceling plans, declining invitations and respecting the quarantine shows great responsibility on your part.

Cómo evitar volverte loco durante la Cuarentena del Coronavirus

8. Reinvent your way of life

This situation forced us all to stop in our lives. It is the perfect time to evaluate yourself. Find out how you feel spending time with yourself and fix those unfinished business that you have with your being.

You can also create new hobbies. You can start exercising if you don’t, read a book or watch a program other than the ones you usually watch. The rules are up to you, so you can decide if you want to make the most of this quarantine or want to stay in bed with the phone in hand until all this is over.

Cómo aprovechar de la mejor forma la cuarentena

9. Consider your community

This situation affects us all; however, some may be having a worse time than others. Therefore, it would be good if you took a few minutes a day to contact your community, especially with older people who do not have additional help at this time.

Making extra food for your neighbor and leaving it on his doorstep if he is sick can be a good way to help. You may also consider coming into contact with college students, especially those with low incomes, as they may have been hit hardest during the quarantine and may need supplies or donations.

Cómo sobrellevar la cuarentena del Coronavirus


There is no doubt that we are in a difficult situation. However, we must remain calm, truthfully inform ourselves, follow preventive measures and let out the best of ourselves to help others. Staying friendly and wanting to collaborate with each other is one more step to overcome the virus.


  • Yuen, C. A Very Millennial Checklist for Surviving a Self-Quarantine. For Greatist [Revised March 2020].