Calcium supplements When, how and for what should they be taken?

Our body requires a number of nutrients and minerals for its proper functioning, including calcium. This is in charge of strengthening our cardiovascular system, muscles, nerves and bones. Through a balanced diet, this important mineral can be contributed to our body. However, there are amounts of calcium supplements that can help you supplement the appropriate dose .

A calcium deficiency is detrimental to our health, but an excessive consumption of this can also be it. That is why today in Healthy Sports we explain how, when and why you should take it, keep reading.

The best way to consume calcium supplements

Calcium is the macromineral with the most presence in our body. It is present in 99% in our bones and teeth, hence its importance for our bone health. The human body does not produce calcium by itself , so we must provide it with a correct diet. People who do not consume enough dairy due to a specific diet or pleasure should take calcium supplements. In this way they will be able to satisfy the adequate levels of calcium in the body.

Do not exceed the recommended dose

Many studies have been done on the benefits and drawbacks of calcium supplements. This due to the possible adverse effects that its consumption in excess can cause. The contribution of this mineral must be based on the age and sex of the person. For example, for women up to age 50, the recommended dose is 1,000 milligrams minimum daily; and those that exceed this age 1,200 milligrams minimum daily. While in men the minimum daily dose is 1,000 milligrams up to 70 years; And increase the daily amount to 1,200 milligrams past this age. In the same way, the supply of this type of supplements must be evaluated and recommended before by a specialist doctor.

Take it at the right time

It is recommended that if you are going to consume calcium supplements you do it with food, if it is with breakfast it will be better. In this way the gastric juices will help to dissolve the calcium easily to fulfill its function. However, it is not recommended to eat it with foods high in fiber. These can be fused with calcium and reduce the amount it supplies to the body. Take small doses of calcium and accompany it with Vitamin D for perfect absorption.

suplementos vitaminicos con calcio

Different compounds called Elemental Calcium are used to make calcium supplements. Which are the ones best absorbed by the body. Among the most common and easiest to find are: Calcium carbonate and calcium citrate . In addition, some supplements can be combined with other types of vitamins, such as vitamin D and Magnesium.

Use it only when necessary

Although calcium is vital to our health, its excessive consumption can cause adverse effects on our health. As we mentioned earlier if you are on a low dairy diet, calcium supplements are great for supplementing the amounts needed . It is recommended to check the nutritional tables of the food to verify that you are not consuming more than the recommended doses.

The use of calcium supplements are generally suggested for people with osteoporosis, pregnant women and those who require it due to special diets. For example, people who are vegans, lactose intolerant or with intestinal problems that prevent the absorption of minerals. Calcium supplements help meet the calcium needs of the body. In this way, bone mass is strengthened, preventing bone fractures. In the case of pregnant women, it helps the correct formation of the fetus and reduces the risk of hypertension.