Why Does Your Head Hurt When You Start a New Diet?

You start a diet to lose weight, recover and feel better. You don’t start a diet to get a headache. So why do the two seem to go together? Several different nutritional factors can contribute to headaches. Since a diet consists of some dietary changes, those fatal pains can occur.

The fasting diet and headache

If your head hurts the first day of a healthy diet, it can affect your motivation. But what you are eating may not be the problem. Instead, it could be due to not eating for an extended period.

Why Does Your Head Hurt When You Start a New Diet

The fasting diet involves intermittent fasting. So you choose a schedule of when you eat and when you don’t eat. For some, that means not eating for 16 hours a day; for others, it is not eaten for one day a week. Harvard Health Publishing reviewed the diet, pointing out the complications of not eating and the possible benefits of fasting. Although skeptical, they concluded that with a healthy diet, fasting will help some populations lose weight. Just be sure to listen to your body. There are those, like people with diabetes, who will undergo this meal plan.

A study, published in the May 2014 issue of Neurological Sciences, found that fasting can lead to headaches. So while fasting may be the big diet right now, listen to how your body responds. Fasting may not work for you. Or you may find that you need to have shorter fasting periods. The key to dieting is figuring out what works for your body.

Your head hurts from hypoglycemia

Low blood sugar causes hypoglycemia. It can cause various symptoms, from fatigue and tremors to irritability and headaches.

If your diet requires you to cut all sugars and carbohydrates, your blood sugar may drop too low. This is a particular risk for those who have hypoglycemia. An article, published in August 2016 by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, has the solution to this problem.

For hypoglycemic headaches, you should be on a high protein diet with sugars and natural carbohydrates. Don’t skip meals unless you want to feel them later. And moderate your exercise and alcohol intake, while maintaining an adequate food intake.

Avoid dehydration headaches

Your diet and migraines should not go hand in hand. In fact, it may not be the food you are eating that is causing the problem.

If your new diet increases your training load, you will need more water and electrolytes. A study, published in the August 2015 issue of the Journal of Gerontological Nursing, found that dehydration causes headaches. Since exercise increases dehydration, you will need to increase your water intake.

Hydration requires electrolytes. Otherwise, your liquids remove essential minerals to stay hydrated.

Stay away from foods high in sugar

A diet is not a headache trigger, but food can be. Whether it’s a hypoglycemia headache or something else, sugar can be the trigger.

A case study, published in the Australian College of Applied Physiology in March 2014, found that foods high in sugar could cause headaches. This is due to the rise and fall of blood sugar caused by these types of foods. The good news is that most diets exclude foods high in sugar. The problem occurs when extreme cravings cause sugar binges.

A better option is to eat naturally occurring sugars and moderate carbohydrates. Keep protein levels high to balance your sugar cravings.

Eat at your time

Finding options when you’re away from home can be one of the biggest difficulties with a new diet. It is very easy to skip a meal when there are no options to suit your needs.

Unfortunately, a May 2014 study in the journal Neurological Sciences suggests that irregular meals can lead to headaches. So, although it is advisable to follow a diet, skipping a meal is not the correct option.

Instead, you should plan ahead. Look at the menu where you will make sure they have options for you. If all else fails, pack a snack in your bag so you never have to go without food.