What is Teff?

It may be the first time you hear about this cereal. Teff is an herbaceous plant that produces edible seeds very similar to cereals that we can usually find in the supermarket. Everything indicates that it has its origin between 4000 BC and 1000 BC in Ethiopia and Eritrea, so it is still strange to find it easily in any supermarket

With the passage of time, it became a staple of your diet, due to the sweet and roasted aroma, its small size and the great contribution of essential nutrients.

What is Teff

Does not contain gluten

Celiacs face the problem that most cereals contain gluten, but many scientists have analyzed this cereal to make sure they are gluten-free. Everything points to teff helping celiacs correct other nutritional deficiencies, such as iron and calcium. In addition, some gluten-free flours are low in protein, and with this cereal we can include a dose similar to that of legumes.

The advantage of this cereal is that we can use it in a large number of recipes, although it stands out in desserts and pastry recipes such as cake batters, cookies, batters or bread. Even so, teff is a food that can also be eaten whole, steamed, boiled or baked, just like rice and quinoa.

Properties and benefits of its consumption

Contains more fiber

Most cereals are high in fiber, but teff contains more than any other. Above all, it is remarkable among gluten-free foods, since it is not usually very present in products for celiacs and is essential for the body. This nutrient makes it a great ally against constipation, diabetes and obesity, by reducing the absorption of sugars and slow-absorbing carbohydrates, promoting the feeling of satiety and improving intestinal transit.

It has eight of the nine essential amino acids

It stands out to a greater extent for its lysine content, which ensures that the body absorbs calcium properly, in order to take advantage of all its benefits.

It is a rich source of minerals

It contains manganese, magnesium, iron and potassium, among many others. However, calcium is one of its best virtues, since it has 17% more than the rest of cereals. This mineral is essential for our body, but especially for all those who go through decalcification processes, childhood growth and suffer from osteoporosis or iron deficiency anemia.

It is rich in resistant starch

This newly discovered type of starch can benefit blood sugar management, weight control, and colon health.

It has a great contribution of Omega-6

This fatty acid is favorable for all kinds of inflammatory diseases such as psoriasis or eczema, although it is also a great help in alleviating the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome: abdominal bloating, breast pain, constipation or weight gain due to fluid retention.

And it also has Omega-3 fatty acids

These regulate blood cholesterol levels, so they have an anti-inflammatory and autoimmune effect, prevent aging and take care of heart health, ulcerative colitis and various vascular problems.

It is safe and sustainable with the environment

In addition to being beneficial for health, it also favors the environment. This cereal can be made under different climatic conditions and requires a reduced tillage time that produces a large proportion of food, therefore reducing the impact on the environment.

Where to buy teff?

Bionsan grain teff

Teff is a gluten-free cereal, making it ideal for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. It is rich in slow-release carbohydrates, so athletes will benefit from its consumption.
Being a cereal with a high satiating power, it can be consumed by those who want to control their weight or regulate their appetite. In addition, in the intestine it acts as a prebiotic, stimulating the natural flora.
It is rich in minerals such as calcium and magnesium and in the amino acid lysine, very important for the metabolism of calcium.

It will only be enough to cook it in a pot (2 parts of water for 1 of Teff) over low heat for 1 hour.

Teff Bio flour

100% natural Teff flour

Teff flakes