The 10 best exercises to have a marked abdomen

If you are training to get the abs you have always wanted and you are not achieving the desired results, you may not be training them properly.

There are several reasons why your abs are not sufficiently worked, including lack of motivation, boring exercises and lack of time.

We are going to propose 10 exercises that will help you have perfect abs , these will not only make you look better, they will also bring you multiple benefits since you will acquire a better body posture, which will also help you have a healthy back.

1. Lemon Crushers

When starting, stand on your back, with your arms and legs extended. Raise your arms and legs a few inches off the ground.
Begin by bending your knees toward your chest, bringing your arms forward. Repeat as many times as necessary.

2. Toe reaches

Lie down on the floor, extend your legs and arms towards the ceiling. Raise your head and shoulders off the ground. Your arms should be directed towards the balls of your feet. Then go down just a few inches (not all the way to the ground) and repeat it again.

toe reaches para abdominales

3. Mountain climbers

Start with a push-up position. These should be straight and directly below the shoulders. Your body should form a straight line from the shoulders to the ankles.

Squeeze your abs , lift one foot off the ground, and bring your knee toward your chest while keeping your body straight and in line. Hold that position for five seconds and then return to the starting position and repeat the movement with the opposite leg. That’s a replay

4. Descending plate

You must lie face down on the floor, support your weight on your feet and hands. Your arms should be bent and straight below the shoulders.

From there, bend your left arm to rest on your forearm. Repeat the same process with your right arm. Subsequently, place your left hand under your shoulder and stretch your left arm, pushing your body up. Repeat that same process with your right arm to get into the “plank” position.


5. Leg Drops

Lie on the floor with your back and legs extended directly toward the ceiling and place your hands palms down under your back for support. Slowly lower your legs down without touching the ground and lift them up again. Repeat.

6. Alternate toe touches

Lie on your back with your arms and legs extended. Raise your right leg and your left arm until they meet. Return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

Abdominales marcados

7. Scissors

Lie on your back with your legs extended directly toward the ceiling and place your hands, palms down, under your back for support. Lower one leg and then the other without touching the ground.

8. Russian twists

Take a seat on the floor with your knees and hips bent at 90 degrees, legs raised and parallel to the ground. Your hands should be crossed in the center of your chest with your elbows pointing out.

Begin to rotate your torso through a 45 degree angle. Use your abs to bend your torso as far as possible and then reverse direction. Repeat as many times as necessary.

9. Side plate with rotation

Begin with a side plank position on your right forearm, your feet and hips locked, and your left hand on your hips. Go down slowly and up. Then repeat on the opposite side.

Plancha lateral con rotación

10. Leg and opposite arm raises

Start from a plank position, with your arms extended and forming a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles. Lift one arm and opposite leg off the ground. Hold and then return to the same position and repeat on the opposite side. That would be a repeat.


  • Bodyrock, 10 Great Exercises For a Flat Belly. For Bodyrock [Revised November 2015]