5 typical mistakes that are usually made with the foam roller

In general, athletes accumulate tensions in some muscles after training, leading them to depend on constant massage sessions to solve this problem. However, at the moment the foam roller is becoming a great ally to solve it.

Using the foam roller is a form of self- massage that eliminates knots in the muscles and the surrounding connective tissue, better known as fascia. This makes it ideal for recovery, even when combined with the correct exercises it can improve posture and functional performance, according to physical therapist David Reavy.

However, despite the fact that all you need is a foam roller and time to dedicate yourself to working your muscles, it is vital to apply the proper technique.

In this sense, know the most common mistakes that are made with the foam roller and how to avoid them to be able to recover effectively.

Errores al usar foam roller para recuperarte

5 typical mistakes made with the foam roller

1. Place it on the lower back or neck

According to trainer Justin Russ, it is a mistake to place the foam roller under the lumbar spine or in the neck, because it can cause tension and hyperextension in that area.

In addition to producing more tension, you can affect the neutral posture of the spine . Therefore, if you have discomfort in your lumbar spine, you should focus on releasing tension in your hip flexors, quadriceps, and upper back, as tightness in these areas often leads to low back pain.

If, on the other hand, you have neck discomfort, remember that these are often caused by tensions in the trapezius , a muscle that is located in the center of your back and shoulders, therefore it is safer to massage this muscle with the foam.

Additionally, every time you are rolling the foam, it is important that you stay stable through your core.

Cómo utilizar bien el foam roller

2. Just pass the foam up and down through the knot

By doing this you run the risk of making the problem worse. This is because by rolling the foam only up and down over the painful knot, you make the muscle react by protecting itself, resulting in an over-hardening of it.

What you have to do instead while working on a sore area is to produce a full range of motion to that muscle and apply pressure to the painful knot.

Errores típicos del uso del foam roller

3. Use it only at night

Using the foam roller at night is not necessarily bad, in fact doing this helps to relax the body and fall asleep. The problem lies in not using it during the day: this leads to your muscles not working optimally during the day.

In fact, it is best to use the foam roller when you wake up or before going for a walk or training.

Releasing your muscles first thing in the morning will allow your body to function efficiently for the rest of your day. It will also help you increase your range of motion and improve flexibility.

¿Cuándo se debe usar el foam roller?

4. Rolling with the foam too fast

Doing this is not recommended because it can cause the muscle to stiffen even more.

Also, rolling the foam roller too fast may not be able to help deep tissue. You will only limit yourself to the superficial layers of the fascia, which will not result in a complete and positive change for your muscle tissue.

Keep in mind that it should normally take 30 to 60 seconds of rolling a single spot on the affected muscle to get it to relax. However, in principle you may need more time to loosen the muscle: this will depend on the degree of tension you have.

It is also suggested to use the foam roller for 30 minutes with a recovery day, followed by stretching, but if you only have a few minutes to dedicate to the foam roller, you can dedicate yourself to relaxing those muscles most affected. For example, cyclists are advised to focus on quads, glutes, upper back, and calves.

Uso inadecuado del foam roller

5. Be very insistent on relaxing a tight muscle

Doing this is not recommended because sometimes you may not be able to relax the muscle you are working, and insisting can cause more pain, even injury.

What you should do instead is work around the affected muscle. For example, if you have low back pain, focus on relaxing the muscles near this area, such as hip and gluteal flexors.

Destensar músculos con el foam roller


  • Leicht, L. Avoid These 7 Common Foam-Rolling Mistakes. For bicycling [Revised January 2017]