Alopecia Why does it occur and how can it be avoided with healthy habits?

Hair loss or alopecia is a problem that affects millions of men and women around the world . There are many types of alopecia, but the most common is that caused by aging and the passage of time, which gradually weaken the hair. In this article, we will tell you what the specific causes of this are and what you can do to achieve alopecia prevention before it is too late.

Why does alopecia occur?

Although alopecia affects both men and women, it is usually more common in the former. Male alopecia is genetic and has a hormonal origin . The hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is made from the male hormone testosterone and, in genetically susceptible individuals, hair follicles are exceptionally sensitive to this hormone DHT. Excess DHT causes thinning and loss of hair , which grows for less time and is also shorter than usual.

In the case of women, the specific causes of alopecia are not very clear. Hair loss and weakness are common among women after menopause as levels of female hormones decline. Also, in women with polycystic ovary syndrome and other hormonal disorders with higher levels of male sex hormones, there is a risk of excess facial hair and thinning of the hair on the scalp.

La alopecia también afecta a las mujeres

Healthy habits that you should incorporate into your routine to prevent alopecia

Watch what you eat

Healthy eating habits can do wonders to promote stronger, healthier hair. Proteins found in fish, lean meats, and soy support hair growth , and nuts and seeds are packed with vitamin E and healthy fats that provide hair with the oil it needs to stay smooth and healthy. Even spices can help: Adding cinnamon to your food can help provide the necessary oxygen and nutrients for your hair.

Strengthen your hair with vitamins

In addition to stress, genes, and medical problems, vitamin deficiencies are one of the main reasons for hair loss . To help prevent alopecia, you need to get enough vitamins. For example, vitamin A is helpful in regulating the synthesis of retinoic acid in hair follicles, while vitamin B can help reduce stress (which causes hair loss). To provide your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs, you can make use of vitamin supplements such as Carolvita.

Avoid tight and strappy hairstyles

Tight strappy hairstyles, such as high ponytails for girls or buns for boys, can result in a condition known as traction alopecia, a hair loss that occurs when the hair is under extreme tension, creating a constant pull. which inevitably damages the hair follicles . It may seem like it’s not important when you’re young, but your hairstyle choice could determine whether or not your hair falls out in the future.

Control stress

High levels of stress can lead to alopecia as they lead to numerous hair loss medical conditions such as telogen effluvium (which essentially pushes hair off the head), trichotillomania (the urge to pull out hair), and alopecia areata (where the immune system attacks hair follicles). To avoid this, you have to re-evaluate the parts of your life that are causing this tension and implement techniques to relieve stress such as meditation or mindfulness or daily exercise.