Ab Wheel or abdominal wheel: the best exercise for your abs

This exercise will make it easier for those of us who suffer from pain in the lumbar while working the abdomen with classic exercises such as “crunches” to reduce these discomfort while providing our abdomen with a new stimulus to grow.

What is an Ab Wheel?

An Ab Wheel is a device that consists of a small wheel with a handle in the center so that you can turn it on the ground easily. It can be purchased in most sports stores and is very cheap.

Why use an Ab Wheel?

Building a strong midsection is critical to our health and athletic performance , especially in high- strength activities . However, most of us tend to do exercises that completely isolate the abdomen or lower back.

On the other hand, the Ab Wheel will not only work our abdomen but also the lower back, since it is necessary to have a strong lumbar to give a natural curvature to our back while we turn the wheel.

Therefore, the abdominal wheel will allow us to have a better posture during our day to day, since our neck and our back will be straight during the movement, and we will be able to avoid imbalances in our core and possible problems of back pain in the future.

ab roller

What should we take into account before using the Ab Wheel?

The abdominal wheel is a very demanding exercise and to execute it correctly it is necessary that we have a strong back and flexible hip flexors . If this is not the case, we will have difficulties in our abdomen opposing the effect of gravity and in that it slowly descends towards the ground, which can lead to excessive arching of the back .

Therefore, first of all we must try to strengthen our back with exercises such as rowing or levers. It is also important that you consult with your doctor before doing this exercise in case you have a problem with your lower back.

rueda abdominal

How to run the Ab Wheel?

An appropriate technique is essential to avoid excessive stress on our muscles. First, kneel on the ground and grab the handle of the ab Wheel. Place the wheel on the ground just below your shoulders and, keeping your arms and back straight , slowly roll it forward. Do the exercise slowly , counting for at least 4 seconds before lowering your shoulders and bringing your torso parallel to the ground .

Focus on keeping your abdomen contracted and avoiding arching your back . Bring the wheel as far forward as you can until you cannot keep your torso straight. To return to the starting position, push yourself back using your abdomen and avoiding involving the hips. Remember to breathe out as you return to the starting position and breathe in while going down.

Once you know everything you need to do the abdominal wheel, you simply have to get one and progress both in the gym and at home. If you do not have the specific apparatus, you can try to do it with dumbbells or with a bar with discs , as long as they are completely circular.

First, try to do as many reps as you can until you reach 12 . Once you have mastered it, you can try more challenging variants such as executing the movement with only supporting the balls of your feet. In this way you will improve the core of your body while showing off your abdomen.

We leave you the best Ab Wheel offers


  • Using an Ab Roller: One Way to a Flat Stomach
  • Annigan, J. (2015). How Effective Is an Exercise Wheel?