8 exercises to get a perfect flat stomach

A perfect abdomen is something that any of us wants to have, the more so now that sunny and bathing times are approaching. Unquestionably, enjoying a flat and muscular abdomen is something that is achieved with effort and dedication. For most it is not so easy to achieve it, either due to time problems, or because you have to deprive yourself of some foods, so we are going to try to establish a series of exercises to achieve a flat stomach.

Most of the abdominal fat is a consequence of an unhealthy lifestyle and logically as a result of excess consumption of calories.

Even if we do an activity on a regular basis, such as cycling, running or hiking, or we practice any team sport, to achieve a flat stomach it is recommended to train the specific area, as it is a vitally important part of our body.

The abdomen is the part of the body that is between the thorax and the pelvis. The abdominal muscles aid in the breathing process, provide flexibility and movement, protect internal organs, and are a key element in supporting the spine while also providing postural support along with the back muscles.

Much beyond the aesthetic importance that we want to give to our abdomen, it is quite clear that it is a very important part of our muscles to always keep in shape. So we will try to establish some simple exercises that we can do from home, and without any material or machine for it.

Exercises to get a flat stomach

1 abs, feared but very effective

This exercise is beneficial for the upper abdomen. Lie on the floor, back completely on the floor. Bend your knees with your feet on the ground. Imagine that your waist is a hinge, and lift your shoulders and upper back upwards. Exhale while you go up as much as you can, when you reach the top hold the position for a second and then inhale while you return to the starting position. Repeat 15-25 times.

2. Cross crunches

This exercise works the obliques. Start with the same position as the previous exercise (sit-ups), but this time get up slowly and turn your body laterally. Try to touch your left knee with your right elbow, and return to the starting position. Next time do the opposite side and try to touch your right knee with your left elbow. It is normal that at first it costs you to catch the synchronization, but with patience you will achieve it. Repeat on each side 10-15 times.

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3. Sit-ups with leg raises

In the same way that we do sit-ups, we will now involve the lower abs. We must combine the rise of our torso with the elevation of our legs, as if we were trying to touch our feet with our hands (without bending the legs).

4. Plank steps

We will begin by resting our hands on the ground, at shoulder height, and stretching our body, (as if we were doing push-ups). The key is to maintain your posture and bend your knees toward your chest. First one and then another, each time you can do it faster.

5. Iron

This exercise is great for strengthening your core muscles and is also good for your back. Maintain the position of your body upright, tensing the abdomen and supporting the weight of your body on your forearms. The elbow is in the 90 degree position. It is important to maintain congestion and hold the correct position, without bending the knees or lowering the hips. Try to hold the pose as long as possible. Repeat 2-3 times gradually, extend the time to stay in that position.

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6.Jump squats

This exercise begins in a standing position, with your feet slightly shoulder-width apart. With a straight back, we bend our knees lowering our hips until the knees are at about 90 degrees. We hold the position for 1-2 seconds and jump with energy.

7. Burpees

Surely you already hear about this exercise, and if so, it is because of its effectiveness. It is about bringing the body into a squatting position. Energetically straighten your legs and tuck them in, just like plank steps, and finish the exercise with a jump. It can be a very complete exercise, as it involves many muscle groups.

8. Trunk twists.

To finish the training, it is very important to involve an exercise that allows you to define and work the waist. It is about making turns of our upper body. To do this, you will need a stick (the brush is ideal), we must place it behind our neck and hold it with our hands at each of its ends. Once the position is taken, without moving our hips, we must make turns with our waist.

Finally, in addition to these exercises, it is very important to eat and hydrate, avoid fatty foods and processed foods. Getting a flat stomach is the result of a more than healthy lifestyle.