7 very healthy foods that we should consume almost daily

Food is the main factor to take into account to keep our mind and body healthy. Hence the certainty of the saying that says “we are what we eat”. Many times we have read or heard about unhealthy or unhealthy foods . For example, chemicals, high in fat or sugar. However, this time we will talk about the very healthy foods that we should consume almost daily.

Enriching your daily diet with these foods will bring you a number of benefits to your health. Always remember to combine a balanced diet with some physical activity. In this way, you will not only be providing the necessary nutrients to feel good, but you will also be full of energy to face a new day.

These are the very healthy foods that we should consume almost daily

1. Fish

Eating fish can provide the same amount of protein as a serving of meat. In addition, fish contains a significant amount of vitamins and minerals that help us stay healthy. Depending on the type of fish we can be providing our body with fatty acids and Omega 3 , vital elements for the cardiovascular system. Including fish among the very healthy foods that we should consume almost daily can be synonymous with maintaining a healthy and balanced diet. And it is that this food has a great protein and biological value. They also contain calcium, vitamin D and potassium , among other vitamins and minerals. Even so-called blue fish such as sardines, tuna or horse mackerel reduce bad cholesterol levels and prevent the accumulation of fat in the arteries.

2. Nuts

alimentación balanceada

Nuts contain a number of vitamins that are very beneficial for our health. For example, almonds are rich in potassium; while walnuts have a high content of vitamin E. The daily consumption of these and other nuts keeps our levels of zinc and iron stable for the optimal functioning of our body. At the same time, it helps us keep our nervous and cardiovascular systems in perfect working order.

3. Extra virgin olive oil

The oil extracted from the fruit of the olive tree can be one of the very healthy foods that we should consume almost daily. However, it is important to take into account the amount to be consumed, remember that all excesses are harmful. Several studies have certified the benefits that extra virgin olive oil brings to our health. Such as the prevention of gastric diseases, regulate blood pressure and even regulate our PH . It can even help control breast cancer, it is an antioxidant and helps in the absorption of nutrients. The recommended intake is 40 milliliters per day, according to current Predimed research.

4. Green leafy vegetables

In our list of the very healthy foods that we should consume almost daily we cannot fail to include green leafy vegetables. The main component of them is chlorophyll, an element that makes them essential in our daily diet. These vegetables are an important source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. One of the most important is magnesium and potassium, which are not found in processed foods. Their high fiber content makes them essential for good digestion and to avoid constipation . In addition, green leafy vegetables contain antioxidants that prevent cell deterioration, which can help prevent any type of cancer.

5. Fruits

la importancia de comer frutas a diario

Like the other foods mentioned, consuming fruits on a daily basis can bring many benefits to our health. The vast majority of them have a number of vitamins and nutrients that complete our diet. Depending on the type of fruit that we consume, we will be providing several minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus and potassium. However, the largest component present in all fruits is water, as well as fast-absorbing hydrates and energy nutrients. The recommendation is to eat them during breakfast, as it is the first dish of the day, it will fill you with energy to face your daily routine.

6. Garlic

The consumption of garlic not only provides nutritional values but also works as a natural medicine. Sulfuric compounds and phytonutrients have given garlic, for millennia, the value of natural medicine. Consuming this species on a daily basis can improve blood circulation, thanks to its high content of vitamins D. This is responsible for preventing, along with other processes, the obstruction of the veins, avoiding a possible thrombosis. In addition , garlic has a substance called Allicin , which is perfect for taking care of our cardiovascular system, it also reduces bad cholesterol and prevents anemia.

7. Yogurt

Yogurt lovers call it the “superfood” for its great benefits. And this product, made from fermentation, is very versatile. It can become a perfect breakfast, accompanied by fruits or it can simply be a dessert or snack. Its components make it a food with multiple health benefits. One of them is calcium, which makes it essential for people prone to osteoporosis or nursing mothers. Yogurt is capable of providing 20% of calcium required by our body on a daily basis . It is also an incredible source of proteins that help the development of our muscles, nails and hair. Yourt benefits are also perfect for lactose intolerant people. This thanks to the amount of ferments it contains, which facilitate the digestion of milk sugar.