7 habits to avoid to be more active in the morning

It is no secret to anyone that it is becoming increasingly difficult to rest at night. This situation completely affects the performance and energy that you should have every morning.

If you wake up tired, you will probably attribute it to a bad sleep the night before or not having had enough sleep; however these are not the only reasons why you may be tired in the morning .

Know the 7 habits that you should avoid to be more active in the morning and manage to correct them.

Cómo empezar el día con energía

7 habits to avoid in the morning

1. Spending time with the mobile phone in bed after waking up

It is common that the first thing you do when you wake up is check your mobile device. A bit of social networks, or checking your email inbox can be the most everyday activities at the moment; But this can become a serious mistake when you wake up in bed .

The bed is for sleeping, so if you use the phone while in bed, you unconsciously send a message to the brain that it is time to sleep and not get up, since you are still lying down. It often happens that you say to yourself “I’ll sleep 10 more minutes” and those 10 minutes end up turning into an hour or two. Has it happened to you? That second hour of sleep will make you wake up in a heavy and not a light sleep.

When you wake up from a deep sleep you simply make your energies not the same, you spend the whole day yawning and closing your eyes, and with an endless heaviness and sleep. For this reason, it is better to get up when you wake up from light sleep immediately.

Cómo mejorar tus hábitos para despertar más activo

2. Relying on your physical activity monitor

The use of physical activity monitors is increasing every day, especially by those who are concerned about their physical fitness and performance in general. Although their functionality is incredible, if you also use them to monitor your sleep you may be making a serious mistake.

It is not that the activity monitor affects sleep directly, but that you wake up and the first thing you do is see if your sleep control is good or bad, but in either case it adds one more concern to your mind to be attentive to the monitor. This worry raises your stress levels, makes your mind work harder, and the level of rest decreases.

Be free and avoid using these devices to monitor sleep, only use them to measure your physical activity during the day. In the end, it is your body that will say whether or not you got enough rest.

Inconvenientes de las pulseras de actividad para dormir

3. Not drinking enough water

Imagine that you spend 8 hours a day without drinking water, is it difficult? Because at night the body also continues to consume water, and if you do not have enough levels, you will wake up dehydrated, which means that your energy levels will be low.

Before going to sleep it is important to drink at least a glass of water , with which you will be hydrating your body during the night and raising energy levels for when you wake up.

¿Por qué es importante beber agua antes de dormir?

4. Shower at night

A warm bath at night before bed can help relax your muscles, release stress, and feel soothed. However, despite these benefits, taking a warm shower at night can be counterproductive when it comes to being more active in the morning, since during the night the body increases its body temperature, so it takes longer. to cool down and rest.

It’s best to take a shower in the morning, causing your energy levels to skyrocket and you can be more active during the rest of your daily activities.

¿Es mejor ducharse la noche anterior o a la mañana siguiente?

5. Train when leaving work

In terms of training hours, people often prefer to exercise after finishing work at work. However, it is proven that the best time to train is in the morning, just before work, due to the increased level of endorphins in the body caused by physical exercise.

In addition to the increase in endorphins, the amount of oxygen in the blood and body tissues is also improved, which will make you feel lighter and more active.

If you don’t have enough time to train in the morning, a 15-minute walk will be enough to activate your body.

¿Cuándo se debe entrenar para tener más energía?

6. Spend a lot of time in front of screens

Each screen, be it that of your television, tablet or mobile device, emits blue light, which suppresses the function of melatonin, the hormone responsible for sleep. So using screens will I also wake up more active? of course not!

The real person in charge of taking away sleep to be active is the sun, because it comes from the vitamin D that we need to maintain energy levels. Vitamin D deficiency promotes chronic fatigue, so going outside will help those levels when they are low.

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7. Not listening to the right music

Has it happened to you that when you listen to a song you change your mood? When you go to the gym on a regular basis it is important to have a great playlist. Music has been shown to positively influence heart rate if your genre is “upbeat and energetic,” which will help boost energy levels.

Put songs in your alarm that stimulate a good mood and, above all, energy. It will also be good to include those songs at the time of training.

¿Qué música debo usar en el despertador para estar más activo?


  • Brabaw, K. “7 Morning Habits Setting You Up For A Day Of Total Exhaustion.” For Bicycling [Revised September 2016]