6 Tips for Drinking Alcohol Without Influencing Your Weight

Drinking alcohol and losing weight may sound like one of those “you can’t have a cake and eat it too” scenarios, but it doesn’t have to be that way. If drinking is part of your social agenda or just a way to relax, you don’t have to give up entirely.

But (of course, there is a but) if your average night out or Zoom Happy Hour currently features more than a few margaritas or craft beers, you may need to rethink your alcohol intake.

Tips for Drinking Alcohol Without Influencing Your Weight

Alcohol is a source of calories, after all. And one way those calories differ from macronutrients like carbohydrates, fats, and protein is that they can affect your judgment, which can affect the food choices you eat while drinking. Regularly combining your drinks with fried bar food or pizza late at night and feeding a hangover with an epic breakfast the next morning will surely sabotage your weight loss goals.

However, it is possible to drink alcohol in a healthy way and still lose weight.

6 tips for drinking alcohol without influencing your weight

Drink in moderation

We know this seems obvious, but it has yet to be said. The published research on the health benefits of alcohol consumption is moderate consumption, not excessive alcohol consumption.

So what is moderate? This means one drink for women and up to two drinks per day for men. The rule of one or two drinks is not intended to be an average, but the amount you consume in a single day.

The other key factor is understanding what “a drink” really means:

  • Beer: 350 ml
  • Wine: 150 ml
  • Liquors: 45 ml

Meeting these servings and moderate eating guidelines will help you with your weight loss goals.

Know your low calorie beverage options

If you’re trying to lose weight, knowing which drinks have the fewest calories and sugar will definitely do.

  • Rum, whiskey, vodka, and tequila have around 100 calories per serving. If you are not enjoying them alone or directly, consider the mixers you are adding.
  • Soda water, water, or lightly flavored sparkling water are excellent low-calorie options.
  • The wine, both red and white, contains around 125 calories per serving.
  • Champagne is also lower in calories, at approximately 95 calories per 120 ml glass.
  • Light beer is another good option, as it generally ranges from 60 to 100 calories per serving.

Have simple cocktails

Get rid of drinks with multiple liquors or mixers with high calorie content. A Long Island iced tea, for example, has a whopping 240 calories and 20 grams of carbohydrates, and a margarita has 275 calories and 36 grams of carbohydrates.

Instead, go for some of the low-calorie options mentioned above. Try a vodka and a soda, and add a little grapefruit juice or lime juice if you’re looking for more flavor. You can also try tequila on the rocks with lemon, which has only 96 calories.

cervezas con alcohol en una mesa

Don’t drink on an empty stomach

If you’re sacrificing food calories for alcohol calories, you may think that it is perfectly fine to skip a meal instead of a “liquid dinner.” It is not the case.

Science shows that having food in the stomach slows down the absorption of alcohol . In fact, the blood alcohol content may not reach a quarter of what you would achieve on an empty stomach.

Plus, it can help you avoid pecking, which is when you’re hungry after a couple of drinks. In fact, there is a very good scientific reason why they occur: If you drink some drinks on an empty stomach, your liver may be blocked from releasing stored glucose into the bloodstream, which can lead to low blood sugar. the blood and make you hungry.

Instead, go for a balanced meal with fiber and protein before drinking. This will help absorb alcohol and stabilize your blood sugar levels.

Drink stronger to stay longer

When you’re drinking a drink that “goes down easily,” that probably means it will go down quickly, too. And when that happens, especially if you go out with friends, you could be looking for a second or third drink.

Instead, go get a drink that you should drink slowly; a stronger drink like a dry martini or even one of your favorite liqueurs served alone or directly. This will slow down alcohol consumption, allowing you to enjoy your drink and company more without exaggerating.

Alternate cocktails with H2O

If you’re drinking more than one or two drinks a day, alternating cocktails with water is a good idea, even if you’re not trying to lose weight. This trick slows down your alcohol intake and keeps you hydrated (bye-bye, hangover!). You can even take a sip of soda water – bubbles can help you feel full and ultimately drink less.