4 workout habits to change when you turn 30

Although 30 years does not seem to be an age related to old age, without a doubt, small changes begin to be experienced in the body, such as fatigue at night, loss of elasticity in the skin and other symptoms related to aging. .

In principle, the main changes in habits at age 30 that should be made are to improve diet, lifestyle and of course, include exercise in the daily routine. However, those who already train constantly could also be carrying out certain practices that, although not entirely harmful, can affect the body taking into account the changes in metabolism.

Discover what are the 4 training habits that you must change when you turn 30 years old .

Hábitos de entrenamiento que debes cambiar con 30 años

Training habits to change in your 30s

1. Better plan your workouts

30 years is a good age to motivate yourself to advance in your goals and objectives when training, especially if so far you have not been able to achieve the expected results.

To do this, start by making a short list of weekly exercises , dividing the routines for each day of the week and also indicating the weight, time and intensity of each exercise. This way you can ensure that you are getting the most out of every training session you do.

In addition, you can also (depending on your goals) add a certain intensity each week in each exercise, for example add 1 kg. of weight per week in your arm training, or extend the time of cardiovascular exercise 10 minutes more.

Finally, remember to have a good strength training as your foundation, sometimes combining it with an abdominal routine. This way you can stay toned while developing strength and balance throughout your body.

Hábitos de entrenamiento que debes cambiar con 30 años

2. Keep goals clear

It is always important to have clear and well-defined objectives. If, on the other hand, you still maintain the same objectives as 10 years ago and have only focused on giving it continuity, perhaps you should change that habit.

Precisely reaching 30 years is a good opportunity to rethink what you want to achieve and how you should do it; Therefore, take a few minutes to reflect, write down each of your goals and seek help from your personal trainer to achieve them.

Once you have made your decision, you will arrive at the right moment to implement it. If you are already an expert in training, you may not need help from a professional; But if, on the other hand, it is still difficult for you to follow a routine or execute the technique of an exercise correctly, it is best that you go to a trainer who can help you.

Lastly, try to follow your plan as you have outlined it; Sometimes consistency is worth more than physical fitness to exercise in your 30s.

Recomendaciones para entrenamiento de mayores de 30 años

3. Sign up for yoga classes

If, little by little, tension and stress takes over you day and night, you are facing a great opportunity to look for alternatives that help you face these conditions. One of the most used alternatives is to add yoga classes to the daily routine, especially for its positive effects on the human body, such as releasing stress, generating a feeling of body freedom, and improving sleep.

Taking time for yourself is always important and vital to improve habits when you turn 30 years old .

Por qué incluir yoga en tu rutina luego de cumplir 30 años

4. Get enough rest

Recovery is always essential after a heavy workout, but when you’re young, post-workout rest is sometimes not given enough importance. However, after a certain age it is necessary to dedicate a few minutes to muscle recovery through different mechanisms such as foam roller, massage, or simply sleeping for at least 6 to 8 hours a day at night.

You should also dedicate a stretching section prior to the exercise routine, in order to prevent injuries and muscle aches at the end of the routine.

Finally, if you find yourself with severe muscle aches after finishing each training session, consider seeking help from a sports therapist who can diagnose your particular situation and, of course, perform the respective treatments as necessary.

Cómo optimizar el entrenamiento a los 30 años


If you have reached your 30s or are close to reaching them, start now to analyze what your bad training habits are and how you can optimize your routine.

In general, many of those bad habits that could have been insignificant before, today could have great negative effects on your body. For this reason, it is important that you rethink your goals and improve your performance, putting aside bad practices when training.

Finally, remember that by improving your training habits after age 30, you will also be improving your health in general and increasing the chances of reaching old age in the best conditions.


  • Jill Penfold. “4 Workouts Habits You Need to Change in Yours 30s”. For Livestrong [Revised April 2017]