4 signs of dehydration that have nothing to do with thirst

We generally associate thirst as a sign of dehydration ; and it is totally correct. However, it is not the only signal that our body emits to indicate that we need to hydrate.

Robert Segal, founder of the Manhattan Medical Offices, comments that dehydration occurs when our body loses more fluid than it is ingesting, either from sweat when you exercise or from an illness such as diarrhea or vomiting, among others.

When we do not supply enough fluid to our body, we reduce the functioning of our entire system including cells, tissues and organs. Therefore, for you to be able to identify if you are dehydrated, we will show you 4 signs of dehydration that do not necessarily have to do with thirst.

Síntomas que no tienen que ver con la sed de deshidratación

4 signs of dehydration unrelated to thirst

1. You have muscle cramps

According to Dr. Segal, when you lose fluid and become dehydrated, the nerve signals that allow your muscles, especially those in your legs, to work properly, do not reach your brain, thus generating cramps.

On the other hand, when you exercise and lose fluids through sweat, you are losing electrolytes such as sodium and potassium from your muscles, increasing not only the chances of cramping, but also suffering from post-workout pain.

Los calambres musculares son una señal de deshidratación

2. You urinate less

Albert Ahn, clinical instructor of internal medicine at NYU Langone Health , says that if your body has depleted fluid reserves, your body will cause a decrease in the frequency of urination . That is, if you normally urinate every three to four hours and notice that you now go every eight to 10 hours, you probably have some degree of dehydration.

According to Dr. Segal, when you do not urinate enough it can be dangerous , since your body is not getting rid of toxins as quickly as it should, you could even lead to problems such as kidney stones, a condition in which dehydration often plays a role. big role.

Orinar menos es una señal de deshidratación

3. You feel dizzy

According to David Greuner, chief physician at the New York Surgical Associates surgical center , part of the job of hydration is to regulate the volume of blood in our body and blood pressure. Therefore, when we become dehydrated, our blood pressure tends to drop or fall, causing us to feel dizzy and lightheaded.

On the other hand, dehydration affects the vestibular system , which is responsible for keeping us in balance. Therefore, when we become dehydrated we can not only suffer from blood pressure, but also from vertigo.

Sentirse mareado puede ser señal de deshidratación

4. You have constipation

According to Heather Bartlett, a family physician in Columbus, Ohio, when a person ingests little water, the digestive system suffers, making your stool hard and difficult to pass. This condition is delicate, as it can cause you to suffer from symptomatic hemorrhoids due to the excessive effort you do when you are in the bathroom.

To avoid this condition, it is necessary to stay hydrated, as water helps your digestive system by keeping your intestines lubricated and flexible until you give your stool enough moisture to pass easily.

La deshidratación puede provocar estreñimiento


  • Millard, E. 5 Signs You’re Dehydrated That Have Nothing to Do With Thirst. For Bicycling [Revised March 2018]