4 foods you shouldn't eat before training

When you exercise on an empty stomach, you may not have enough energy to perform at your best. But eating the wrong foods before a workout can also sabotage your sweating session.
From making you feel sluggish to feeling gassy, the following foods won't set you up for success, whether you're hitting the pavement or lifting weights in the weight room.

4 types of foods you should avoid before training

Rich in protein

Put down the steak before hitting the gym.

alimentos a evitar antes de entrenar

Although foods high in protein can fill your stomach and prevent hunger, consuming too much of this macronutrient can lead to slow digestion . Plus, eating protein-only foods means you'll miss out on the energy-rich carbohydrates that really propel you to hard workouts.

Not to mention, exercising when food is still moving in the stomach can cause great discomfort. Just think of a belly full of protein that can make you feel heavy.

You should have some protein, aim for just 10-20 grams , along with a healthy source of carbohydrates for sustained energy.

Or think of it this way: your meal or snack should contain at least 75 percent of total calories from carbohydrates and no more than 25 percent from protein.

Abundant in fat

Like protein, fatty foods take a long time to digest. That means they stay around your stomach for hours. And while your body is busy digesting, more blood flows to your GI tract to aid in the process, so there is less oxygen in your muscles.

In other words, your muscles don't get what they need to perform at their best. Before exercising, avoid greasy burgers and pizza, as well as too many healthy fats like nuts and avocado.

alimentos que no debes tomar antes de entrenar

Rich in fiber

From legumes to whole grains to vegetables, foods full of fiber benefit the heart, help with weight loss, and are good for the gut. But a large bowl of black bean soup for lunch can make your workout difficult later in the day.

In fact, high-fiber foods can cause gastrointestinal upset , resulting in gas, bloating, or cramps. Be especially careful with fiber-rich cruciferous vegetables. Nothing makes your belly bloat like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and bok choy.

Like beans, vegetables in the cruciferous family contain an indigestible sugar called raffinose, which feeds bacteria in the colon that produce methane gas . You can't focus on the gym if your stomach is puffed up with gas and you're saving it for the bathroom every few minutes.

But don't stop eating nutritious fibrous foods – getting enough fiber daily is essential for overall health (women should aim for 25 grams a day and men 38 grams). Just limit your intake for a few hours before exercising.


Do you love food with a fun twist? You may need to ditch the Sriracha sauce and put off those jalapeno peppers for post-workout.

For some people, spicy foods can cause problems like gastrointestinal upset, heartburn, or acid reflux during exercise. Dealing with a burning sensation in your throat or an upset stomach is the last thing you need when exercising.

mujer con alimentos para antes de entrenar

What to eat before a workout?

Alternatively, eating certain foods before a workout can offer the optimal boost you need to get through a difficult routine and improve your performance.

Specifically, complex or simple carbohydrates provide the energy required for high intensity and / or resistance-based exercise.

Keep in mind that simple carbohydrates burn faster, so they are more readily available to your body for a quick energy boost, while complex carbohydrates are digested more gradually to provide a slower, steady flow of glucose.

For a high carb snack, Bruzina recommends eating a bagel, a slice of bread, or a granola bar 30 to 60 minutes before a workout. When it comes to larger meals, try chewing on cereal, cooked grains, or pasta four hours before exercising to allow for proper digestion.