4 exercises to reduce cellulite with the use of Foam Roller

Dimples are not always a good thing. The dimples on the cheeks or lower back are pretty; instead, in the legs or arms due to cellulite, not so much.

Although spas, beauty salons, and medical centers offer expensive treatments that offer potential cures, inexpensive natural remedies can be just as effective. A powerfully simple method is to use gentle pressure with your own body weight to release the connective tissue from the body. The foam roller does just that.

mujer usando foam roller para eliminar la celulitis

What is the origin of cellulite?

Connective tissue is like a thin layer of plastic that covers the surface of each muscle. The problem is when this connective tissue becomes dry, blocked and / or weakened. The underlying fat is able to penetrate and appears as unsightly dimpled cellulite on the skin.

Although cellulite can also be caused by hormonal imbalances, lymphatic problems, or more serious medical conditions , there are a few causes that you can do something about. The fascia can be weakened by many things, including dehydration, poor posture and muscle tone, lack of movement, poor circulation, and the impacts of gravity and aging . The good news is that there are some simple things we can do at home to combat those other causes of weakened connective tissue.

How to get rid of cellulite naturally?

Staying hydrated and eating a primarily plant-based diet will nourish your skin and help flush out toxins.

But any type of exercise routine can help increase circulation and energy levels while softening collagen. And starting any workout that incorporates a few foam roller movements can increase those benefits.

Exercises with Foam Roller to reduce cellulite

As the foam roller helps break down those dense, blocked areas that we all have in our fascia, it helps stimulate circulation and improve lymphatic drainage. All of this keeps the fascia healthy and helps prevent that annoying fat from spreading to the skin.

Next we will teach you a routine with anti-cellulite Foam Roller, designed for structural integration and classic Pilates. This routine foam roller 21 days requires only 10 to 15 minutes day. These are some of her favorite moves to decrease cellulite.

Back of thigh roller

Sit on a mat with the roller under your upper legs or hamstrings. Place your hands on the mat behind you with your fingers extended back and your chest open. Press your hands on the floor to lift your hips.

Continue pressing your hands on the mat and activate your core to roll forward, moving the roller from the seat bones (the bones you sit on) to just above the knees. Replace the roller on the bones of your seat. Repeat this movement eight to 10 times.

Front thigh massage

Lie down with your belly on the mat, your elbows under your shoulders, and your palms facing down. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvVua1NNzC4 Keeping your legs straight, place the roller just above the front of your knees. Engage your core to prop up and protect your lower back.

With your arms and trunk, exhale as you roll the foam roller down the front of your thighs to your hipbones. Inhale as you press the roller to just above the front of your knees. Repeat this movement eight to 10 times.

Figure four

Sit on the roller and reach your left arm behind you with the palm of your left hand on the ground for stability. Cross your right ankle over your left knee in a figure four.

Shift your weight slightly toward the right hip / glute area and roll back a few inches in each direction. Then, spin in circles to help increase circulation and blood flow. Repeat this movement on the other side.

Inverted Tush Roll

Lie on a mat with your knees bent and your feet hip-width apart. Lift your hips off the mat and slide the roller under the hips / sacrum (the triangular bone at the base of the spine).

Raise your knees so they are suspended directly over your hips. Release your knees to the right and then to the left. Continue rolling from side to side eight times on each side.