4 business books that everyone should read

If you are a person with great ideas and want to start your own business, it is good that you explore new ideas. Over the years, more than 20 business books are recommended to gain experience. It is always interesting to learn different perspectives, in this way to be able to incorporate them into your business.

Acquiring books helps you have your own library of business knowledge and inspire you every day with the teachings that will never be forgotten, as they will be a guide to success. Currently these are the 4 books that everyone should read at this time to achieve success safely.

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The 4 best business books

1. The key is why

Simon Sinek , leadership consultant and popular TED Talk speaker, in his book The Key Is The Why. How Great Leaders Teach Us To Act (2009) presents a simple yet potentially profound vision. The best leaders process and share information through the “why”, the “how” and finally through the “what”.

That is why one of the big companies like Apple, was able to dominate the mp3 player industry in the last decade, despite the prevalence of many other quality devices on the market. They began wondering “why” they wanted to do it, in this way they became successful, fostering creativity and then ended with the sale of iPod.

2. Good ideas

Author Steven Johnson argues in his book Good Ideas. A natural history of innovation (2010) that innovation comes from the collision of ideas. This can occur when a person working in isolation builds years of existing knowledge to feed their ideas. Ideas can also flow seamlessly when multiple creative people brainstorm with each other in a community like Silicon Valley .

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3. Get organized effectively

David Allen is a management consultant. His book Get Organized Effectively: Go Further Than You Ever Imagined It has sold more than a million copies, being considered one of the readings with the greatest influence on personal productivity during the last 15 years.

The book has been updated, however its fundamental principles have been maintained, as they provide readers of all levels with tools to make decisions, plan their days according to their priorities and stay focused.

4. Originals

One of the youngest professors at the Wharton School, Adam M. Grant, released his book Originals obtaining great success. It is about exploring how nonconforming people can change the world, both individually and corporately. In both cases, it is a start to continually trying new things and not wasting too much energy while working.

Grant ensures that the great geniuses of history do not stand still, they continue to constantly experiment to discover new things.


  • Richard Feloni, Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh shares 4 business books he thinks everyone should read. For Businessinsider [Revised February 2016]