3 relaxation techniques to control anxiety that work

Anxiety is undoubtedly a mental state that is often invisible, even to ourselves, because we do not know how to identify it with certain symptoms. We can feel a headache, chest pressure, tiredness, fear and even general discomfort . Now, we find it difficult to realize that for all of the above it is more important to manage our emotions than any other medication that a doctor can prescribe. For this reason, throughout this article we are going to talk about relaxation techniques to control anxiety .

Relaxation techniques to control anxiety

There are many formulas that exist to deal with this increasingly common problem. Now, we want to expose you to relaxation techniques to control anxiety that you can carry out in your environment, even at home, without also having to make a financial outlay.

Breathing technique

It is a well-known recommendation, but it really is one of the most effective techniques that exist to control anxiety . When we have anxiety we usually breathe shallowly, which makes symptoms worse. Breathing deeply, the so-called abdominal breathing , for 5 minutes, can cause us to reach a good state of relaxation.


First, lying or sitting properly, put one hand on your abdomen, just below the ribs. Next, breathe in through your nose slowly, until you drive it as far in as possible . The goal is to feel your abdomen rise , while your chest only moves slightly.

Now, hold the air for a moment before exhaling. Then slowly exhale all the air, letting your arms and legs feel like they’re slumped. It is recommended to do 2 or 3 sets of 10 repetitions, about 5 minutes of deep breathing.

Physical exercise

técnicas de relajación para controlar la ansiedad

The practice of physical exercise has a beneficial effect on anxiety and improves mood. These effects have been observed in different ages (children, youth, adults and the elderly) and in both sexes. The benefits are appreciated after a specific session of exercise and also with the regular practice of physical activity.

Most of the studies carried out on the relationship between physical exercise and anxiety affirm that carrying out a specific physical activity can reduce the level of state anxiety . This is based on an anxiety reaction experienced in a specific and limited situation.

Trait anxiety

Also, some studies indicate that regular exercise could reduce levels of trait anxiety . This is general anxiety linked to biological and personality factors. It is usually suffered by people predisposed to be more anxious, impressionable, with a tendency to overestimate risks and maintain a high level of alertness.

Exercise level

As a general rule, it can be concluded that any type of physical activity, no matter how small and short, is beneficial for our health . There are many works that have examined how much physical exercise is necessary to observe significant changes in anxiety levels .

Although the data is not conclusive, it is recommended that people engage in vigorous physical activity on a regular basis. Also, that they carry out more than one activity, both aerobic exercises (swimming, running or cycling, for example) and anaerobic (weights, push-ups or stretching, among others). It is important to note that studies consider that aerobic physical exercise is more beneficial in reducing anxiety than anaerobic exercise .

Moderate intensity exercise

Practicing moderate to high intensity exercise three times a week for 30-40 minutes can reduce the level of anxiety . This may mean, for example, walking quickly to the workplace. Another option is to get off a few stops before the bus and walk the last section of our route.

This activity, which could become a regular and healthy practice for our body, can be complemented with other workouts. For example, with a weekly basketball game with friends . Also with a visit to the gym a couple of times a week. Also, we would serve an exercise table at home while we listen to our favorite music.

Physical exercise and daily life

The main idea that is intended to convey with these examples is that physical exercise should be part of our daily lives . For this, nothing better than trying to adapt it to our needs and customs. Only in this way will we be able to practice it regularly.


técnicas de relajación para controlar la ansiedad

Anxiety is due to a stressful situation experienced. Among other things, it alters hormones and neurotransmitters that cause symptoms such as nervousness, worry and constant irritability in the body.

Some foods can influence this hormonal state , so there are foods that multiply it and others that reduce it. We will describe them below.

Foods that increase anxiety

Among the foods that produce hormonal alterations that can favor the development of anxiety or its own symptoms are free sugars. These produce spikes in blood glucose and, as a consequence, spikes in insulin .

Therefore, added sugars , or those that are accompanied by poor quality nutrients and are easily absorbed , are the ones that we should avoid in our usual diet.

Likewise, smoking , alcohol and an excess of caffeine can be responsible for anxiety symptoms. These do not contribute anything to its control, quite the opposite.

Foods that help reduce anxiety

Foods rich in B vitamins , such as whole grains, quinoa, legumes and nuts , help reduce anxiety levels. Foods with a balanced amount of magnesium, such as sunflower seeds and pumpkin, also reduce this sensation.

On the other hand, foods rich in zinc and omega 3 can also help us feel better and reduce anxiety symptoms .