16: 8 Fasting Method for Beginners

Hundreds of years ago, fasting has been adopted by different cultures for various reasons, whether for religious or cultural purposes, but today it is not necessary to belong to a certain group to be able to do it.

Fasting consists of stopping consuming food for a certain time, always with the approval of your doctor or a specialist, since under certain circumstances it can be dangerous for the individual.

Many do it to channel good energies, others to connect with themselves and others as a method to lose a little weight. In any case, here you will find the best tips to start taking your first steps in fasting , specifically in the 16: 8 variant.

Beneficios del ayuno 16:8

What is restrictive fasting?

Today, intermittent fasting is mostly practiced; that is, a structured way in which you cannot eat or drink any product that contains calories at certain times of the day. The main objective is to encourage the individual to consume fewer daily calories and promote weight control.

The most popular version of these diets is the 16: 8 fast , which consists of an 8-hour period in which you are allowed to eat and drink, followed by 16 hours in which it is restricted and in which your schedule is included. night rest.

It is so simple that anyone can do it, since there are no specific rules in the 8-hour periods; therefore, you should not worry about counting how many calories you are consuming or if you are breaking your diet. For example, you can eat whatever you want as long as it is from 8 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon. Then you can’t eat anything else until 8 a.m. the next day.

¿Cuáles son los beneficios del ayuno 16:8?

Benefits of fasting 16: 8

1. Weight loss

Due to the methods used by this type of fasting, weight loss is one of its main benefits. In fact, an article published by Translational Research states that intermittent fasting is as effective as caloric restriction (Barnosky, Hoddy, Unterman & Varady, 2014).

It is also aimed at those stuck on their weight loss journey. A study published by the International Journal of Obesity has found that alternating periods of energy restriction; that is, calories, with periods of balanced energy allow the subject to obtain greater results when it comes to losing weight (Byrne, Sainsbury, King, Hills and Wood, 2018)

Mejorías en el peso corporal haciendo ayuno

2. Reduces inflammation

Inflammation is a natural response that our immune system has to an injury or infection, such as when you twist your ankle or have a cold.

When it comes to low doses of inflammation it’s a good thing, but when you suffer from chronic inflammation caused by toxins in food or the environment, it can lead to serious health conditions, from diabetes to heart disease to cancer.

Fortunately, a study by Nutrition Research found that practicing intermittent fasting reduces the number of cells predestined to cause inflammation in our body. That is, adopting the 16: 8 fast from time to time can help you prevent chronic diseases (Faris et al., 2012)

Reducir inflamaciones crónicas a través del ayuno

3. Improvements in blood sugar control

Almost all of our foods contain a worrying degree of sugar, so restricting the amounts you consume daily is a great idea to improve your insulin levels.

In this way, if you take a period of 16 hours a day of not consuming anything, you can prevent contracting some diseases such as diabetes.

Los niveles de insulina pueden ser controlados con el ayuno

4. Anti-aging effects

There is research that tries to find the relationship between intermittent fasting and the fight against old age. What’s more, a study by Mechanisms of Aging and Development found that dieting using methods such as fasting increased longevity in laboratory rodents. This is because fasting provides cardiac protection against aging (Castello et al., 2011)

However, this information should continue to be investigated, although the results appear promising.

Ayuno 16:8 para no envejecer

How to start the 16: 8 diet

1. Choose your schedules

In the beginning, you will probably have to adjust and adapt to these new rules. Make the necessary changes to feel comfortable throughout the day, as long as you stick to the 16: 8 rule.

2. Start slowly

You don’t need to take a 360 degree turn in your life to start this diet. Start by taking small steps and get used to your new routine.

Reglas del ayuno 16:8

3. Benefit from good nutrients

Although there are no rules of what you can not eat during the 8-hour time, it is advisable to consume foods with large amounts of nutrients. This will help you have a healthier life.

4. Don’t forget to drink

Staying hydrated is one of the most important things. In addition, it can help you reduce hunger.

Risks of fasting

If you are a person with a history of eating disorders, are pregnant or struggling with hypoglycemia, it is not advisable to follow this diet. In any case, ask your doctor if you want to do it.

Consejos para empezar la dieta 16:8


Adopting a new way of consuming your food can be difficult but beneficial. We encourage everyone to stop paying so much attention to their weight, but if you feel like you should try fasting to improve your quality of life, do it without hassle, but with expert supervision.


  • Barnosky, AR, Hoddy, KK, Unterman, TG, Varady, KA (2014). Intermittent fasting vs daily calorie restriction for type 2 diabetes prevention: a review of human findings. Translational Research. doi: 10.1016 / j.trsl.2014.05.013
  • Byrne, NM, Sainsbury, A., King, NA, Hills, AP and Wood, RE (2018). Intermittent energy restriction improves weight loss efficiency in obese men: the MATADOR study. Journal of Obesity. doi: 10.1038 / ijo.2017.206
  • Castello, L., Maina, M., Testa, G., Cavallini, G., Biasi, F., Donati, A.… Chiarpotto, E. (2011). Alternate-day fasting reverses the age-associated hypertrophy phenotype in rat heart by influencing the ERK and PI3K signaling pathways. Mechanisms of Aging and Development. doi: 10.1016 / j.mad.2011.06.006
  • Faris, E., Kacimi, S., Al-Kurd, RA, Fararjeh, MA, Bustanji, YK, Mohammad, MK, Salem, ML (2012). Intermittent fasting during Ramadan attenuates proinflammatory cytokines and immune cells in healthy subjects. Nutrition Research. doi: 10.1016 / j.nutres.2012.06.021