12 ways to avoid mental fatigue during long work hours

Today most jobs require a lot of energy both physically and mentally. Perhaps you are sitting reading and thoughts of the tasks assigned for tomorrow come through your mind: the list of suppliers that you have not done yet or the tray of pending emails to answer.

Due to the large amount of work that is generated in companies, sometimes the working day can last until late at night, however, it is quite difficult to keep a clear mind during those overtime for different reasons.

Staying clear-headed and mentally energetic will be vital to performing at your best, no matter what job you do. Discover these 12 tips to keep your mind sharp on long hours at work.

Consejos para tener la mente nítida en el trabajo

12 tips to keep your mind sharp on long work days

1. Get some exercise

Sitting for long hours in front of a computer, sorting files and reviewing files can make your mind slow at times.

Even if your colleagues see you strange, it is important that you take a few minutes to do physical activities at work. Just standing up, walking for a few minutes, or doing a few push-ups will be enough to activate your mind again.

If you do not want to be seen as an alien, invite your colleagues to exercise with you for at least 5 minutes, you will be a guru within the company!

Cómo mantenerse activo en el trabajo

2. Eat healthy

Being at work for a long time could cause you to alter your meal times, and that is, who thinks clearly when hungry? When that happens, it is better to be prepared with healthy snacks and meals that allow you to optimize your cognitive functioning during working hours.

For afternoon snacks you can mix fruits with Greek yogurt, or take a sandwich with chicken and vegetables from home; This way you will not only calm the voices in your stomach, you will also have a clear mind to continue with your work functions.

It is also very important to avoid excess sugar, processed snacks or other types of simple carbohydrates that can negatively alter your body, since they could cause you more fatigue and make you perform much worse.

Cómo mejorar el rendimiento mental en la oficina

3. Spend time outdoors

Breathing a little fresh air never hurts. If you want to increase your concentration and productivity, it is recommended that you go out for a few minutes to walk in a park, sunbathe and relax while admiring nature.

Take a little of your time to dedicate it to yourself; The relaxation and peace that spending time outdoors produces will undoubtedly be decisive in combating work stress .

Estar al aire libre reduce el estrés laboral

4. Chew gum

Not only does chewing gum help to maintain good breath or make air bubbles, but it could also enhance creativity and strengthen your memory according to some researchers. It is not a totally proven fact, but it does not hurt to try, everything is to improve brain function during work.

Qué debo hacer para mantener la mente nítida en el trabajo

5. Drink peppermint tea

In addition to being delicious and having multiple health benefits (like promoting stomach wellness or preventing illness), peppermint tea can be a good bet when it comes to fueling up at work .

Peppermint tea has been shown to improve cognitive function , getting to compete with caffeine; In addition, it also contributes to memory and alertness.

Beneficios del té de menta para la función cognitiva durante el trabajo

6. Take a nap

Many think that taking a nap can work against productivity at work, especially since they feel that taking a break can spoil valuable time.

However, when you have a work marathon in front of you, your body will appreciate that during rest hours you take a 10-minute nap. This way you will be able to restore the necessary energy to continue your work until late at night with a clear mind.

Formas de tener más energía mental en el trabajo

7. Listen to music

For some people, music means the only space that disconnects them from the real world. If you have a long evening at work or the day was extremely stressful, taking your headphones and listening to your favorite songs will be the solution to the low energy you feel.

Regardless of the genre you listen to, choosing music that cheers you up and frees your thoughts will never cease to be a good option for clearing your mind.

Escuchar música mientras trabajas puede activarte

8. Do stretches

Whether in your office, at lunchtime, or when you need to take a call from your boss, stretching is essential to release stress.

Sitting for hours without any physical movement can lead to mental fatigue, as well as stressing your entire body. Take a few seconds, relax your body and stretch; in a few seconds you will feel the difference both mentally and physically.

Cómo influyen los estiramientos en la energía durante el trabajo

9. Light up your office

Our bodies usually set an internal clock (biological clock) based on the amount of light it receives. For this reason, keeping your work area illuminated will help your body feel comfortable with physical and mental exertion, especially when you work late into the night.

On the other hand, if you are in a slightly more open space or with windows, try to take advantage of the sunlight during the day (this will also help you save energy).

Trabaja en un lugar iluminado para evitar la fatiga mental

10. Organize your work

There is a saying that says “rush brings fatigue”, and when it comes to work, this saying comes true. Performing many tasks at the same time is quite difficult for your mind, although in some part of your consciousness courage tells you that you can.

When you are doing several tasks, memory is depleted producing mental fatigue , Therefore, it is better to make a list of pending tasks and complete them one by one.

Consejos para tener una mente nítida en el trabajo

11. Avoid pizza at midnight

If you are going to work late, it is advisable to eat as healthy as possible. Although pizza and other carbohydrates can be very tempting, science shows that consuming these types of foods can cause biological imbalance, slowing down cognitive abilities such as memory and learning.

Recomendaciones para una mejor función cognitiva durante el trabajo

12. Stay hydrated

Imagine that you are in a vehicle, driving for long hours and you forget to refuel, what will happen? The vehicle will collapse and you will be in the middle of the road. This is also the case with the functioning of water in the body, which together with food constitute the fuel for our body.

If you do not drink enough water during the day, it is likely that the fatigue arrived faster than being hydrated, and it is that in general the fatigue is directly related to dehydration .

If you wonder how to have more energy at work , start drinking more amounts of water during the day, just as you would if you were running in a marathon; it will definitely fully increase your mental sharpness.

Cómo evitar la fatiga mental en el trabajo


  • Stillman, J. “15 Ways to Keep Your Brain Sharp Durin an Insanely Long Work Day.” For Inc. [Revised January 2017]